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[ UK /dɪfˈɪbɹɪlˌe‍ɪt/ ]
  1. stop the fibrillation and restore normal contractions, usually by means of electric shocks
    The patient's heart had to be defibrillated to save his life

How To Use defibrillate In A Sentence

  • Tim Russert may very well be alive right now if office staff had defibrillated him on-the-spot! Remembering Tim Russert |
  • Rather than the NBC. the D.C. EMS arrived, and they immediately defibrillated Tim. CNN Transcript Jun 13, 2008
  • The heart must be “defibrillated” quickly, because a person's chance of surviving drops by 7 to 10 percent for each minute a normal heartbeat is not restored. Youth Heart Watch
  • The entire team stands up and backs away as someone says, “CLEAR!” and they defibrillate him. Chicken Soup for the Soul: Think Positive
  • Still, the Academy needs to do something to defibrillate its moribund Oscars ceremony. Get Real, Oscar: Eddie Murphy's Not the Cure for What Ails You
  • The patient's heart had to be defibrillated to save his life
  • Like many Americans who want to help the president succeed, I'm waiting for the Big Idea to come out of the White House that will defibrillate our economy. Trey Ellis: We're So Ready to Believe Again, Part II
  • If you want them to defibrillate you so many times with the zappers that you start picking up high-def TV channels in your head, they'll do that for you as well. Health Care Guide for Complete Dummies
  • Wade Phillips is responsible for two of those three things, and at 1-7 Jones was right to do anything he thought might defibrillate his team into action. Jerry Jones: Architect of mediocrity, enabler of failure
  • Survival depends on how fast you're defibrillated and receive chest compressions. Ben Sherwood: Michael Jackson RIP: Does Anyone Survive Sudden Cardiac Arrest?
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