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  1. remove the claws from
    declaw a cat

How To Use declaw In A Sentence

  • declaw a cat
  • Onychectomy, commonly known as declawing, is the practice of amputating a cat's first paw joints, including the claw at the first knuckle," said Mirisch, the councilman who introduced the ordinance. Undefined
  • Also, I finally had to get the cat declawed, and that upset the hell out of me for some reason.
  • He had already been declawed and neutered by a past owner as well.
  • Yeah, after $20K of damage to furniture and getting close to divorce (and spending $400/mt on counseling), HER cats finally got declawed (mine was a total declaw from 10 weeks old). Keep Your Cats From Destroying Your Furniture | Lifehacker Australia
  • The Hong Kong-based animal welfare group Animals Asia Foundation released a report in August that said bears in Chinese zoos were regularly whipped and beaten with sticks, while elephants were prodded with metal hooks, and tigers and lions were defanged and declawed, causing them chronic pain. China Zoo Cruelty, Abuse Crackdown: Facilities Face Closure For Animal Performances, Wildlife Product Sales And Inadequate Food & Shelter
  • Unfortunately most people seem to think that when a cat gets declawed it is only their claws that are removed.
  • The tigers at ALS are declawed on their front paws and so could not have gained a ‘toe-hold’ on a fully closed window through the use of a claw.
  • In fact, the British Veterinary Association calls declawing “an unnecessary mutilation.” 250 Things You Can Do to Make Your Cat Adore You
  • BEER-SHEVA, Israel, March 9 (UPI) -- Engineers at the Ben-Gurion University of the Negev in Israel say they have developed a way to "declaw" nuclear fuel, ensuring only peaceful plutonium use. Latest News -
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