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[ US /dɪˈsaɪfɝd/ ]
[ UK /dɪsˈa‍ɪfəd/ ]
  1. converted from cryptic to intelligible language

How To Use deciphered In A Sentence

  • First I deciphered the most offending foods in the dish.
  • There are occasionally good discussions about our many undeciphered scripts Linear A, Cretan Hieroglyphics, Cypro-Minoan, not to mention the Phaistos Disk and other fun scraps. An Ancient Egyptian boardgame to appease readers
  • Of these hairs (as I had always a mechanical genius) I likewise made a neat little purse, about five feet long, with her majesty's name deciphered in gold letters, which I gave to Glumdalclitch, by the queen's consent. Gulliver's Travels
  • His voice once bouncy and vibrant was shattered and only left as melancholic gutterals that could barely be deciphered as speech.
  • Now her great-great nephew, Alan Douglas, has deciphered Lucy's spidery handwriting and, as a labour of love, produced eight copies of the diary.
  • It only became public knowledge when MAGIC intelligence decrypts, including a signal from the Japanese attaché in Berlin which was not deciphered until after the war, were declassified in the USA in 1980.
  • It was intercepted and deciphered by Room 40, a predecessor of GCHQ, the Government's top secret listening post, in January 1917.
  • Proto-Elamitepreceded a partially deciphered script, Linear Elamite, used in thesame area 750 years later.
  • After wireless transmission by Morse code the enciphered message would be typed by the receiver onto an Enigma machine having the same ground setting, the key setting entered, and the text deciphered automatically.
  • Another hour and the schooner's name can be deciphered quite easily -- _L'Inconstant_, and that of the polacca _Le Saint-Esprit_. The Bronze Eagle A Story of the Hundred Days
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