change to the decimal system
The country decimalized the currency in 1975 -
change from fractions to decimals
Stock prices will be decimalized in the year 2000
How To Use decimalize In A Sentence
- Until British currency was decimalized in 1971, "pence" was represented by "d," an abbreviation for denarius. Roman Coin Cache Discovered
- These magazines listed the rank of games solely from subscriber feedback, where ratings were compiled within a ten point decimalized system.
- For example, Russia was the first country to decimalize its currency and the third country (after China and France) ‘to make sustained use of inconvertible paper money.’
- HFT got its start in 2001 when the SEC ruled that stock prices, instead of rising or falling by a sixteenth of a point as they had in the past, would henceforth be decimalized and denominated in pennies--1/100 of a point. The Full Feed from
- Once we decimalized, it became necessary to distinguish between the old penny and the new the coin worth 6d in ‘old’ money was retained for some years, but was now worth 2½p in the new. Weak form loss | Linguism
- A more recent campaign to decimalize time also flopped. HERE’S LOOKING AT EUCLID
- Dick (2010) provides a very accessible discussion of some of the perils of using limit orders in a decimalized electronic market; Linnainmaa (2010) provides a more comprehensive discussion of problems with limit orders. News
- Since American financial markets became decimalized in early 2001 they have become much more volatile, even as they are less liquid. rss News
- Many day traders gave up on online stock trading after North American exchanges completed the switch to decimalized pricing in 2001. The Globe and Mail - Home RSS feed
- Regulators and the exchanges want to come up with a standardized way to handle market volatility that is simpler than the current rule, which was established in the late 1980s before trading became largely computerized and decimalized, these people said. SEC, US Exchanges Agree To Create Market-Wide Circuit Breakers