How To Use decigram In A Sentence
- Metric Weights. -- 10 milligrams 1 centigram, 10 centigrams 1 decigram, 10 decigrams 1 gram, 10 grams 1 dekagram, 10 dekagrams 1 hektogram, 10 hektograms 1 kilogram. The Handy Cyclopedia of Things Worth Knowing A Manual of Ready Reference
- If the sap is not available, 12 gram of Neem leaves and three decigrams pepper can be ground in water and taken.
- I then possessed one decigramme of very pure radium chloride. Pierre Curie
- Metric Weights. -- 10 milligrams 1 centigram, 10 centigrams 1 decigram, 10 decigrams 1 gram, 10 grams 1 dekagram, 10 dekagrams 1 hektogram, 10 hektograms 1 kilogram. The Handy Cyclopedia of Things Worth Knowing A Manual of Ready Reference
- Use the following calculator to convert between decigrams and dekagrams.
- All four authors of this nomination letter were fully aware that Marie Curie alone, was responsible for the isolation of a decigram of pure radium.
- In 1902 I succeeded in preparing a decigramme of chloride of pure radium which gave only the spectrum of the new element, radium. Pierre Curie
- When they get the gramme then they have decigramme, centigramme, milligramme, decagramme, hectogramme, and kilogramme. The British and the Metric Systems
- When they get the gramme then they have decigramme, centigramme, milligramme, decagramme, hectogramme, and kilogramme. The British and the Metric Systems
- When they get the gramme then they have decigramme, centigramme, milligramme, decagramme, hectogramme, and kilogramme. The British and the Metric Systems