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debt ceiling

  1. the maximum borrowing power of a governmental entity

How To Use debt ceiling In A Sentence

  • Unless we do those things I don't think many people on my side of the aisle are going to have an appetite for increasing the debt ceiling," he said in a speech on the Senate floor.
  • One key to solving the knottiest problem of the debt ceiling could prove to be an idea that Mr. McConnell himself hatched a few weeks ago. McConnell Likely Holds Key to Deal
  • They also ask about our legislative debates, on issues like the debt ceiling.
  • The crisis has been caused because the Republicans, who control the House of Representatives, insist that the debt ceiling should not be raised without dealing with the national debt.
  • The core issue is actually pretty simple: do we want to run the risk of enduring some short term turmoil today as a possible consequence of not raising the debt ceiling? Top headlines
  • They are demanding that Clinton accept much of their proposal before they will increase the debt ceiling limit.
  • As a general example, clicking on the member's name that was primed to pop up with a Google search for the phrase "raising debt ceiling" would cost taxpayers approximately $4.70 per click. And a Happy Festivus From Congress Too
  • Video: Kyl Makes the Case of 'Cut, Cap, Balance' Video: Rival plans ensnarl Congress over debt ceiling 2.37% Mortgage Refinance $160,000 Mortgage for $622/Mo. Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion
  • After weeks of pinwheeling, Romneybot's cursor unfroze and executed the PRESSAVAILABILITY function, indicating that he won't support the debt ceiling agreement reached this weekend. HUFFPOST HILL - Congress' Manic Last-Minute Debt Maneuvering
  • The BBA is the lowest common denominator for Repubs;the 1 debt ceiling vote the denominator Dems. Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion
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