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[ US /dəˈbɛntʃɝ/ ]
[ UK /dɛbˈɛnt‍ʃɐ/ ]
  1. a certificate or voucher acknowledging a debt
  2. the ability of a customer to obtain goods or services before payment, based on the trust that payment will be made in the future

How To Use debenture In A Sentence

  • The full course was opened in 1928 and in 1956 the club bought the land and property from the owners, thanks to money raised by an issue of debentures to members, who have continued to invest in the clubhouse and course over the past 50 years.
  • All or some of these rights are to be developed from the net proceeds of the company's current, ongoing private placement program of redeemable, profit sharing debentures.
  • Accordingly, we would construe the guarantee and debenture in the same way that we have construed the mortgage deeds.
  • He said that preferential creditors, including the Revenue, would be paid first, followed by secured creditors, including debentures and any property costs.
  • The ratio of long-term funds with a fixed interest charge, such as debentures , that comprise a company's capital to its ordinary share capital.
  • Debenture holder has priority over ordinary shareholder.
  • Traders in the bond division may have sub-specializations, such as government or corporate money market instruments or bonds, or even such instruments as debentures.
  • These new debentures are a long-term foundational piece of our capital structure. Home Page
  • The finance company is unable to repay their debenture due to defaults on their loan book, so they are unable to recoup their principal.
  • The Philadelphia-based MSO in late December sold $1.3 billion in convertible debentures to replace existing debt.
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