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Death Valley

  1. a desert area that is part of the Mojave Desert in eastern California and southwestern Nevada; contains the lowest point in North America

How To Use Death Valley In A Sentence

  • Innumerable brigades were huddled close together, in what was known as the Death Valley, for the simple reason that there was no other suitable spot wherein to place them, and heavy casualties resulted. Three years in France with the Guns: Being Episodes in the life of a Field Battery
  • There's a place they call Death Valley, and it's just halfway Lonnie Johnson Lyrics
  • There's a place they call Death Valley, and it's just halfway Lonnie Johnson Lyrics
  • Death Valley, in the southern part of the United States, on account of its terrific heat, is perhaps the most unhabitable region in the world, but the borax which it produces is used in every civilized country. Wealth of the World's Waste Places and Oceania
  • When Calico's borates were exhausted, Smith's foresight and resources enabled him to shift operations to Death Valley.
  • It's called Death Valley and it's kind of like Cops but in a world where zombies, werewolves, and vampires exist. Nick Kreiss: Comedy's Bright Future: How Funny or Die Is Changing the Game One Megan Fox PSA at a Time
  • He's tracking motorists along this stretch of I-20 near Birmingham -- known as Death Valley because of the many traffic fatalities -- with a lidar or light detecting and ranging device. CNN Transcript Aug 30, 2003
  • Still, it was a day of memories for a player who'll one day will likely have his name enshrined in Death Valley's Ring of Honor. - News
  • Know what they called Death Valley before global warming? Hot Air » Top Picks
  • But the battle really ended on March 25, D-plus-thirty-four, when the last enemy stronghold was taken in a place called Death Valley. The Story of World War II
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