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How To Use Deadbolt In A Sentence

  • A deadbolt lock backs up a lockset on entry doors to provide maximum security.
  • Jessica burst through the door of her home and slammed it behind her, locking each of the chains, locks, and deadbolts on it.
  • A deadbolt locked it, and a small peephole was carved at average head height.
  • It was always his habit to lock everything, and since David Lash's remodeling of the living room, Jim had put in stronger deadbolts.
  • The door, designed to withstand small-arms fire and intense heat and shock, also has a digital lock and a steel deadbolt.
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  • I walked towards the door and made sure it was locked and the deadbolt was in place.
  • [But] why put deadbolt locks on your doors and stock up on cans of Mace and then decide to leave your windows open?
  • Smashing padlocks and deadbolts, the men checked for booby traps as they felt their way by flashlight from room to room.
  • So I nodded, and expecting her to tell me later, we ran inside and locked the deadbolt.
  • It's part of the new Schlage Accents Collection, which offers complete handle sets, knobs, levers, and deadbolts for any decor.
  • Open the door; hold the striker plate against the door frame in line with the deadbolt mark, and pencil in the outline.
  • Use steel doors with deadbolt locks and bar windows where appropriate.
  • Ms. Crew threw the deadbolt on the nearest door and dragged it open, its hinges squealing in protest.
  • I stepped inside to find the entire house dark, so I locked the deadbolt behind me.
  • Smashing padlocks and deadbolts, the men checked for booby traps as they felt their way by flashlight from room to room.
  • A deadbolt is more secure than a spring-driven latch since it's much harder to push the bolt in from the side of the door.
  • Doors with glass panes require a double-cylinder deadbolt to prevent someone from breaking the glass, reaching in and unlocking the door.
  • Today, underneath the solar panels, there's a new set of deadbolt locks on all my doors. Weather beaten
  • The chambers inside the deadbolt clicked and unlocked.
  • And a lot of houses actually have the wrong kind of deadbolt locks on the front and rear door. CNN Transcript Jun 13, 2003
  • For many New Yorkers, home security doesn't go far beyond a deadbolt and a chain. Castle in the Bronx
  • The most common mistakes in installing a deadbolt or entrance lock are covered under the individual steps below.
  • To help burglar-proof your home, install 1-inch throw deadbolt locks on all exterior doors. HOME SECURITY BASICS
  • On Erie Street, I had two locks, a deadbolt, and a chain on my fourth-floor walk-up apartment. The Memory Palace
  • But once inside the house, Irene not only locked the front and back doors, she also threw the deadbolts that hadn't been thrown since she and Frank first moved to the nearly crimefree Last Hometown, and double-checked the windows, even the ones on the second floor, to make sure they were locked. The Girls He Adored
  • Electronic deadbolts, like their standard lock counterparts, require activation from both sides to allow passage through the doorway.
  • The sound of deadbolts locking echoed throughout the room, and great mechanical noises came through the window.
  • Open the door; hold the striker plate against the door frame in line with the deadbolt mark, and pencil in the outline.
  • I got a program called deadbolt defense and a girl with only a couple of hours to live, so what do you know?
  • Firearms in the gunroom, which was equipped with a deadbolt skeleton lock, were lying around in the open and live ammunition was also in the open and nearby.
  • Defragmenting the hard drive takes precedence over unsticking the deadbolt.
  • There is a dual lock with simultaneous retraction of latch and deadbolt by an inside lever.
  • The first layer is what I call target hardening, which is anything you do to prevent or cause delays in your house being broken into, such as deadbolt locks, things of that nature. CNN Transcript Aug 12, 2006
  • He heard the sound of the deadbolt sliding into place before she moved toward the wall at the bottom of the steps.
  • Much work done this week on the house: little things such as caulking seams, getting a new deadbolt, fixing a door or two, finally putting the huge brass gargoyle-y doorknocker I bought a full eight years before the house and never hung because our apartment lease wouldn't permit it on the front door, etc. Shows, house, general
  • You will need to drill a hole through the door face for the lock or deadbolt and one through the edge for the latch.
  • He knelt down to begin frantically scooping them back into the box as she slid the apartment key into her pocket, undid the deadbolt and stepped out into the hall.
  • If you are in the process of ordering a new door, you can specify that it come predrilled for a deadbolt.
  • European Pressphoto Agency Gareth Bale Most impressive of all, six of those goals came against a seemingly impenetrable Inter side that rode a superhuman goalkeeper and deadbolt defense to three trophies last season, including a semifinal win over Barcelona. Tip of the Day
  • Open the door; hold the striker plate against the door frame in line with the deadbolt mark, and pencil in the outline.
  • When you turn the key from the outside, it releases both the knob and the deadbolt.
  • Slowly, I reached out to shut off the ringer on the phone, then went to the door and made sure that all the deadbolts and double locks were securely in place.
  • In a deadbolt lock, there is no spring mechanism - the turning cylinder slides the bolt forward and backward.
  • That way if somebody was to break the glass and reach inside, they couldn't unlock your deadbolt, which is what happens a lot of times. CNN Transcript Jul 26, 2002
  • For many New Yorkers, home security begins and ends with a deadbolt and chain. A Bronx Castle
  • At night, I use the door chain and the deadbolt and sleep with a knife tucked beneath my pillow, a hammer beneath my bed. The Memory Palace
  • My brother locked all three locks - padlock, deadbolt, knob - on our door and made his way slowly into the apartment, stopping when he caught sight of me.
  • Therefore, my front and rear doors are both equipped with double cylinder deadbolts, locks that require a key on the inside.
  • Once in, I flipped the deadbolt and checked the windows.
  • Doors with glass panes require a double-cylinder deadbolt to prevent someone from breaking the glass, reaching in and unlocking the door.
  • Therefore, all Drommel needed to do was jump ahead to 4: 20, crush Keer†™ s skull while he slept, toss him off the balcony, lock the deadbolt from the inside, return to the past, and make sure he has lots of eye witnessed at 4: 20. 365 tomorrows » 2007 » March : A New Free Flash Fiction SciFi Story Every Day
  • To reduce the risk of wandering, put a slide bolt high on every door that leads to the outside or to a stairwell, or use a deadbolt that requires a key.
  • She unlocked the deadbolt, undid the chain, and opened the door.

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