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dead letter

  1. mail that can neither be delivered nor returned
  2. the state of something that has outlived its relevance

How To Use dead letter In A Sentence

  • No one does anything about it and the law becomes a dead letter.
  • The fact that the postwar treaty had been a dead letter for many years did not worry either party.
  • The ceasefire treaty was a dead letter as soon as it was signed, as neither side ever had any intention of keeping to it.
  • On the plus side, it does enable you to act out your John Le Carre Cold War fantasies with no shortage of dead letter drops and darkened doorways from which to covertly observe the locals.
  • The title chiropractor and its legal underpinnings should become dead letters: if no treatment can be based on the idea of subluxations there can be no chiropractors. Simon's Choice
  • No one does anything about it and the law becomes a dead letter.
  • Friday's Wall Street Journal editorial, "Barack's Windfall Reversal," in barely contained gleeful terms crowed that a transition spokesman "explained this week that that the drop in oil prices to $50 barrel has made the windfall tax a dead letter. Raymond J. Learsy: Obama's Oil Company Windfall Profits Tax and the Wall Street Journal's Celebration
  • After Dutch film maker and Islam criticaster Theo van Gogh was murdered by a Jihadist in the streets of Amsterdam, he was of the opinion that blasphemy should no longer be a dead letter, and a few years later he even said the Netherlands should introduce Sharia law if a two third majority would support it. RenewAmerica
  • The fundamental laws, considered as a whole, were the wisest devisable to suit the peculiar circumstances of the Colony; but whilst many of them were disregarded or treated as a dead letter, so many loopholes were invented by the dispensers of those in operation as to render the whole system a wearisome, dilatory process. The Philippine Islands
  • But these dead letters troubled him, physically even, because they were only beginnings.
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