How To Use de Saussure In A Sentence
- Roland Barthes's semiology finds it foundation in the structural linguistic theory of Ferdinand de Saussure, who posited an abstract notion known as langue to explain the system of language.
- [C] The name consecrated by De Saussure to designate certain rocks in The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 18, No. 105, July 1866
- It was left to Liebig, then, to restate the important doctrine of the essentialness of the mineral matter, already implied to some extent by de Saussure. Manures and the principles of manuring
- Ferdinand de Saussure as "langue", is the common language of a community (or rather more in than of a community), is formed and authenticated by writers and regulated and generally orientated by Academies. Camilo José Cela - Nobel Lecture
- As the founder of modern linguistics, Ferdinand de Saussure also created the theories of structuralism.
- During the antebellum era on the De Saussure plantation in South Carolina, daily domestic tasks were to be completed in the hours between sunrise and sunset prayers.