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Dark Ages

  1. the period of history between classical antiquity and the Italian Renaissance

How To Use Dark Ages In A Sentence

  • We were playing in a style that seemed from dark ages. The Sun
  • Back in the dark ages of computing, in about 1980, they started a software company.
  • Perhaps we are emerging from the Dark Ages of Community Care and we are moving into a new age of enlightenment.
  • These were the real Dark Ages, when intimations were frequently made from the Glendevon and other pulpits that the minister and session would be glad to receive information against suspected witches, and when the common pricker who pricked poor witches "with lang preins of thrie inches" to discover the marks of Satan, was specially busy in the vale of Devon, where in a record year no less than sixteen of the local "covin" were burned. Chronicles of Strathearn
  • In doing so, the first Pope from a united Germany has identified himself with the austere and saintly monk who saved the culture of Western Europe during the Dark Ages.
  • I say the only paradigm shift self-serving, pretentious, narcissistic and megalomaniacal dictators could bring is to march the "Dark Continent" backwards to the Dark Ages. Alemayehu G. Mariam: Ethiopia: Education Unbanned!
  • Even as scientists issue rules on chimeras in labs, a spine-tingling he-monster with the power to drag us back into the pre-Darwinian dark ages is slouching around Washington.
  • But they're not hip-hop messiahs come to lead a supposedly stagnating genre out of the dark ages.
  • The dogmatic element of the ancient astrolatry, as incorporated into the Christian creed, underwent no material change until the inauguration of the dark ages, when the bishops of the several churches, in the delirium of metaphysical speculation, concocted the previously unheard of doctrine of pre-existence of spirit, in conformity to which God was declared to be purely a spiritual deity, who, existing before matter, created the universe of nothing. Astral Worship
  • In a delivery style that was uncharacteristically fluent, he lambasted the West Indies Cricket Board (WICB), describing them as "atavistic" and operating as if they are in the "dark ages". TrinidadExpress Today's News
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