How To Use Dardanus In A Sentence
- It has also been suggested that the Romanesque crypt of the Chapel of Notre-Dame du Dromon may originally have been the mausoleum of Dardanus and his wife, Nevia Galla.
- Dardanus, who sailed to the Teucrian land, the first father and founder of the Ilian city, was born, as The Aeneid of Virgil
- Ilium and captured the famous city of Dardanus, he came hither to Argos and has set up high on the temple-walls many a trophy, spoil of the barbarians. Electra
- To the halls of Dardanus, that Menelaus may recover Iphigenia at Aulis
- The hasty retreat of Constantius might be justified by weighty reasons; but he resigned, without a struggle, the possession of Gaul; and Dardanus, the Praetorian praefect, is recorded as the only magistrate who refused to yield obedience to the usurper. The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
- Ye feathered birds with necks outstretched, comrades of the racing clouds, on on! till ye reach the Pleiads in their central station and Orion, lord of the night; and as ye settle on Eurotas 'banks proclaim the glad tidings that Menelaus hath sacked the city of Dardanus, and will soon be home. Helen
- To be sure, Ganymede whom I am carrying off from the halls of Dardanus. The Cyclops
- Dardanus himself or any sorcerer of note from the time of Zoroaster and The Defense