How To Use Dampening In A Sentence
The shops below had the pipes inside the brick walls, dampening the sound quite effectively.
Firefighters were still at the scene on Saturday morning dampening down the burning embers.
The third can at least be muted by some dampening, and by putting sufficient thought into case design and component layout to minimise sympathetic vibrations.
They stood there watching the river run past, not even dampening the crossroad that lay beyond its borders.
He pulled the kitchen window shut as Jim shut the front door, dampening the clamor slightly.

Increase the intensity of the colour by dampening your brush slightly before applying to give an opaque finish.
The Sun
Any inputs by the pilot at launch create a dampening effect in the opposite direction to counter the excess pitch-rate change.
Such self-indulgent interludes succeeded only in dampening crowd excitement.
Times, Sunday Times
Subduing or "dampening" this motion is the key to silence.
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This has led to the hypothesis that this treatment may be helpful in dampening that lateralized hyperexcitability.
We produce a wide array of dampening products for a variety of applications from small electronic devices to large storage access panels.
A few hours later, the Associated Press and other wire services reported that a WHO press spokesman in Geneva "made a surprise appearance" at a press briefing for the purpose of 'dampening' fears ignited by Nabarro's interview.
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With light rain dampening parts of the course, and a buffeting wind gusting off the river Moselle, back wheels skittered on corners and bounced on the cobbled avenues.
There I was pootling along with some light Autumnal drizzle lightly dampening my wipers.
Balls then move to the ‘drying room,’ an air-conditioned, dehumidified area where they dry out from the effects of the dampening room.
However the combination of product activation and the annual vig appear to be dampening technical enthusiasm for the software.
Such self-indulgent interludes succeeded only in dampening crowd excitement.
Times, Sunday Times
Little rivulets of wetness ran down my flesh onto the dirty blanket dampening it.
You're likely to by killed by a pant-dampening array of ferocious animal gods.
Record high house prices are also dampening demand.
Times, Sunday Times
The full-length keel aids in directional stability as well as dampening roll and the deep forefoot helps to prevent pounding in choppy seas.
So - fence this area off as an 'exclosure' and landscape with good acoustic dampening vegetation towards the freeway entrance.
There was no indication that these paltry and tardy gestures have had any effect in dampening the mass protest movement.
He wears a suit of quilted flexible blast - dampening multi - ply padding, and a cloak of armor weave.
If you do not have time or do not need to wash your hair, just dampening it slightly with a mister or wet comb should do the trick.
However, the dampening effect of automatic stabilizers on output fluctuations differs significantly across countries.
This piece, one in a series referencing visual artists, is largely centered on a marimba the performer plays in non-standard ways that allow him to attenuate the sound either by direct dampening with the hands or using atypical mallets for the job.
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If you think that critics have been successful in dampening Government attempts to help homebuyers, think again.
Times, Sunday Times
The bulk of the buoyancy in spending reflects rising incomes and employment growth, and is thus impossible to cool without dampening the economy overall.
If you do not have time or do not need to wash your hair, just dampening it slightly with a mister or wet comb should do the trick.
The archipelago of real times presented to us by the temporal Umwelt does not tend towards the zero of neutralization, of reciprocal dampening, but rather towards explosion and diffusion.
No impressive display of pyrotechnics, the inertial dampening system gave up the ghost with a whimper.
The full-length keel aids in directional stability as well as dampening roll and the deep forefoot helps to prevent pounding in choppy seas.
It has a way of diminishing the shine, dulling the glamour and dampening the sizzle of even the glitziest of clubs.
If magnesium has such wonderful "dampening" properties as they claim, then I should think there would not be quite so much desert in Israel.
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As for consumers, rising oil prices are shrinking discretionary funds and dampening spending.
Clouds sped by, sometimes a fresh drizzle of rain would fall, dampening her skin.
Such self-indulgent interludes succeeded only in dampening crowd excitement.
Times, Sunday Times
They typically feature some sort of handle system for dampening frame shock & vibration .
He sat on the ground, not noticing the dewy grass dampening his clothes, and stared out across the darkness of the valley, which was faintly illuminated by the millions of stars hanging just above his head.
But the United Kingdom continues to be a drag and is likely to continue as such near term, while excess supply is "dampening" prices in Australia.
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I remember my mother grinding up tablets of Largactil (the major tranquilliser chlorpromazine) to put in his tea in the hope of dampening his florid auditory hallucinations.
The international shake-out in the information and communications technology sectors, which impacted with big job losses in Ireland in recent days, was especially cited as posing difficulties and dampening economic growth.
Record high house prices are also dampening demand.
Times, Sunday Times
A light fall rain is dampening the pavement outside as I prepare this last ORBIT issue for 1998.
Those of you with only bare-bones audio equipment should consider the strong possibility that your system might not be capable of dampening the ‘wet effect’.
It flared dully in the image intensifier, the equipment's electronics dampening down the effect.
By dampening expected future sales, a deflationary monetary policy may decrease the firm's net worth.
Far from dampening down interest, it has fanned the flames worldwide.
The Sun
Other goals such as dampening unnecessary exuberance and over-leveraging, and avoiding asset price bubbles can also be added to the objectives of macroprudential policies.
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Increase the intensity of the colour by dampening your brush slightly before applying to give an opaque finish.
The Sun
“No doubt Zeus BioTechnology has to have the latest in dampening technology,” said Smith.
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“My first suggestion would be to use a polaron burst to try and disrupt the dampening field surrounding one of the mines.”
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Any fiscal measures dampening demand for new cars will only increase unemployment in the motor trade.
More courses are closing than opening, dampening demand for carts.
Times, Sunday Times
He slopped through a puddle, dampening the bottom of his jeans.
Increase the intensity of the colour by dampening your brush slightly before applying to give an opaque finish.
The Sun
Record high house prices are also dampening demand.
Times, Sunday Times
More courses are closing than opening, dampening demand for carts.
Times, Sunday Times
This year, the students had put up a temporary weatherproof shelter, the size of a large auditorium, to ensure that both competitors and spectators would not have to worry about a sudden spell of rain literally dampening the proceedings.
Actually, usage supports both "damping" and "dampening" for this scenario, but I'll take the feedback under advisement.
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Dampening: Also called damping, I described this as "the softening of a user interface through gradual transition instead of immediate state changes".
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Alas, she repeatedly hits the microphone to blast her listener with monotone meanderings, thus dampening the whole vibe.
The pods had no artificial gravity fields of their own to provide inertial dampening effects, so the Marines strapped themselves securely to the vertical backboards provided.
But this attitude is not dampening the interest of would-be owner occupiers.
Times, Sunday Times
The dragon's breath misted up the warped glass window, dampening the gray curtains.
Cassandra jumped skittishly as the door banged shut, suddenly dampening the sound of Randy's squabbling parents, leaving her in silence.
Anyway, leaving aside the benefit of a cat you can talk at, it wasn't long before the first misty wave of light rain swept across, dampening the pavement and making the grass think it was holiday time at last.
While I usually used this to reduce pops and clicks from scratches, the added dampening from the water would sometimes be enough to hold the needle in the groove on warped records.
Boing Boing: May 14, 2006 - May 20, 2006 Archives
More courses are closing than opening, dampening demand for carts.
Times, Sunday Times
The big difference is the role of government in dampening the cycle.
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