How To Use dah In A Sentence
- The Temple to the Hebrew God YHVH, built by King David, was destroyed and much of the Jewish population (Jew comes from the word Judah, one of the 12 tribes) were deported to Babylon, known to Jews as the Babylonian captivity. On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
- Warner wrote from Egypt expressing sympathy for their unfurnished state of affairs, but added, "I would rather fit out three houses and fill them with furniture than to fit out one 'dahabiyeh'. Mark Twain, a Biography. Complete
- One resident called Dahiryart wore a typical Muslim hat and a Sarong .
- Did you know that the green part of the horseradish plant was one of the five bitter herbs served on the traditional Passover seder plate during the reading of the Haggadah?
- Yeah, he's a pop genius, but his cool, affable swagger and clever repartee are the perfect complement to the more extroverted, outgoing personalities of Dahle and Ms. Case.
- Myles L. Miller, Scott S. Hughes, 2009, Mixing primitive and evolved olivine tholeiite magmas in the Eastern Snake River Plain, Idaho Scientific Articles on Yellowstone
- Dahl came to admire him, although he described him as “quite an erk,”** and was shocked to discover that he could barely draw. Storyteller
- In 1821 the Kakanfo's threat to Abomey and his capability to defend Oyo territory ended in his rout by the Dahomey army, and by 1830 Shabe had been razed and the cavalry no more to be seen.
- Judah and Jerusalem desolate then this credit of the prophets, and the hopes of the people, will both sink together; the former will be found false in flattering the people and the latter foolish in suffering themselves to be imposed upon by them, and so exposed to so much the greater confusion, when the judgment shall surprise them in their security. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume IV (Isaiah to Malachi)
- UConn's Dahna Deleston fell on the ball in the end zone for a safety. - College Football - South Florida vs. Connecticut