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City of Westminster

  1. a borough of Greater London on the Thames; contains Buckingham Palace and the Houses of Parliament and Westminster Abbey

How To Use City of Westminster In A Sentence

  • The new flagship Campus for City of Westminster College by schmidt hammer lassen architects is designed to support new ways of teaching and learning.
  • The title chosen by Earl Grosvenor for his marquisate is, at all events, appropriate; for it is from within the boundaries of the fair City of Westminster that the largest portion of the princely rent-roll of the family is derived.
  • Can't we just line-up the outgoing cabal of treasonous conspirators (if indeed the welfare dependant electorate chooses to 'outgo' them - by no means certain, imho) against the wall of the Citadel on the day of the Queen's Birthday Parade and have a contingent from the Brigade of Guards shoot the the whole feckin'lot of 'em, as the Band of The Royal Marines plays Colonel Bogey, followed by Beyond Dull Care as their rancid carcasses are removed in a City of Westminster shit-cart. Tony Blair: The Next Labour Prime Minister?
  • There is credible, strong and uncontroverted evidence that the sole effective support services currently available to the claimant are within the City of Westminster.
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