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  1. any of a numerous plants grown for their five-petaled flowers; abundant in temperate regions; alleged to have medicinal properties
  2. an ornamental carving consisting of five arcs arranged in a circle

How To Use cinquefoil In A Sentence

  • Yellow celandine, tormentil, and cinquefoil gleam as the sun rests on them. Country diary: Millyford Bridge, New Forest
  • For shrubs and trees, try ash, barberry, box elder, bush cinquefoil, butterfly bush, cotoneaster, currants and gooseberries, euonymous, forsythia, lilac (though my deer love them), mahonia, and viburnum.
  • Those found within Mt. Robson park include low sandwort Atenaria longipedinculata, slender Indian paintbrush Castilleja gracillima, western Indian paintbrush C. occidentalis, sulphur indian paintbrush C. sulphurea and arctic cinquefoil Potentilla hyparctica. Canadian Rocky Mountain Parks, Canada
  • There, visitors can learn about the organic farming process firsthand, as well as enjoy olfactory heaven with a tour of the Czech gardens, where they can find wild herbs and flowers such as pimpernel, marsh pea, cuckoo flower, moon daisy, wild thyme, silvery cinquefoil and primrose, among many others. The Prague Post
  • This part of Teesdale is famous for botanical rarities like the shrubby cinquefoil bushes, covered with egg-yolk-yellow blooms, that cling to rocky islands in the river, but the profusion of flowers maintained by skilled management of livestock in meadows and pastures has the greatest impact on most visitors. Country diary: Forest-in-Teesdale
  • Among the common wildflowers are one-flowered cinquefoil, woolly lousewort, alpine willowherb, three saxifrages, and an Indian paintbrush.
  • Adults also gathered medicinal herbs: cinquefoil ground to a powder for bodily aches, cudweed for diarrhea, oak root as an eyewash, crushed sage for colds, the osha root for coughs, and the like. Once They Moved Like the Wind
  • Among the common wildflowers are one-flowered cinquefoil, woolly lousewort, alpine willowherb, three saxifrages, and an Indian paintbrush.
  • The Robbins' cinquefoil is endemic to a harsh alpine environment in the White Mountain National Forest of New Hampshire.
  • Rare cinquefoil bloom just inches from the path and marsh grasses waft in the breeze.
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