[ US /ˈtʃaʊ/ ]
[ US /ˈtʃaʊ/ ]
- an acknowledgment that can be used to say hello or goodbye (aloha is Hawaiian and ciao is Italian)
How To Use ciao In A Sentence
- In the animal cell there are many things the instruction manuel is the DNA protein factory is the ribosome recycling center is the lysosome gift wrapping and shipping center is the golgi complex DNA is stored and maintains in the nucleus (x) the mitochondria converts glucose into usable energy tokens tubes and fibers make the cytoskeleton the flexible outer skin is the cell membrane the smooth endoplasmic reticulum is where lipids are made vesicle delivers the proteins the cytosol is the slimy filling the rough endoplasmic reticulum helps ribosomes make and fold proteins those are the parts of the animals cell hope you like our song, ciao farewell!!!!!!!!!!! WN.com - Articles related to Plants give up some deep secrets of drought resistance
- CIAO is seeking not just the guests 100% satisfaction, but is exceeding our customers' expectations and requirements, we dedicate our pure-hearted entertaining for friends from all over the world!
- Hmm ... no idea what the real fruit smells like, but Ciao Bella's blood orange sorbet is out of this world .... Blood Orange Stink
- I thought I'd give it a go. Unfortunatly, I'd not looked at the opinions of others on Ciao..........boy, do I wish I had! It's pants. It really is a poor program.
- Ciao Chiara nelle ricette moderne “shortening” si riferisce a grassi vegetali solidi (idrogenati) che possono sostituire tutto o in parte il burro (o lo strutto) e danno una particolare consistenza ma sono insapori. Cranberry Sherbet « Baking History
- Ah, ciao, Tomaso Have you seen the afternoon paper?
- And believe it or not, it's ciao, adieu and a big, fat ‘cheerio, babe!’
- Ciao Trattoria is offering a four-course menu.
- A imagem de hoje ilustra o Grande Cthulhu, Mestre entre os Antigos Anciãos, aquele que dorme um sono de eternidade nas profundezas submersas de R'lyeh, debaixo do mar, esperando acordar quando os encantamentos proferidos pelos seus tenebrosos acólitos abram o portal que se situa nos caóticos vórtices para além do espaço, libertando os Antigos Anciãos para que eles possam novamente reinar na superfície deste planeta condenado. Chtulhu Ftaghn!
- For CIAO, it's them make us maintain excellence continuously. We firmly believe that only good management will bring persistent and favorable development.