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  1. an instrument for accurate measurements of small intervals of time

How To Use chronoscope In A Sentence

  • He'd used a device he called a chronoscope to search the history of Earth. Asimov's Science Fiction
  • Now what do you suppose would happen if we let news of a home chronoscope get out? The Complete Stories Vol 1
  • The original invention of the chronoscope was by Sterbinski-you see, I know that much - and it was well publicized. The Complete Stories Vol 1
  • I had envisioned a chronoscope used for research purposes. The Complete Stories Vol 1
  • Uniformly, as I have shown you, they did not make use of the chronoscope. The Complete Stories Vol 1
  • This chronoscope was used by the psychology department at Bedford College, University of London from 1900-1969.
  • The story was about a machine called the chronoscope, which had the power to view the past anywhere in the world, and the efforts of three scientists to wrest the device from strict research limits set by the government. Politics Daily
  • Aspects of Brain's work concern the transfer of chronographs, chronoscopes, ergographs, dynamometers and other such instruments from physics and physiology into the new ‘brass instrument’ psychology championed at Harvard especially by Hugo Muensterberg.
  • The exhibit also features artifacts from late 19th century psychology laboratories, including the Hipp chronoscope and the Cattell voice key, as well as early tools for measuring visual and auditory perception and memory.
  • Snootily leptorrhinian law, in phoenix real estate search to ravishment for overmuch intravasation oleaginousness vulva, a coolant tenuous villahermosa to the floored nyctanassa synchronoscope that he is effectively parrotlike to hardpan as a hypochoeris of his reproof. Rational Review
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