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chocolate bar

  1. a bar of chocolate candy

How To Use chocolate bar In A Sentence

  • I'm going home tomorrow - hefting heavy sound kit that I didn't use, with bags full of chocolate bars and Swiss liqueurs to give as presents.
  • If you're only eating a chocolate bar for lunch, you need a good square meal in the evening.
  • I had a Mars chocolate bar and my bsl dropped to 6.7 I believe. Archive 2006-08-01
  • Yet as every chocolate bar manufacturer knows, giving away a few freebies does no harm to sales.
  • The packed lunches were found to be high in fat because of crisps, chocolate bars, biscuits and the amount of butter and margarine used.
  • Alternatively, it could be argued that the chart made a dud prediction, and astrology is entertaining hokum that has as much to do with the real Jupiter as chocolate bars do with Mars.
  • They were literally chocolate bars (about triple the size of regular Hershey bars) filled with a thin milky-type cream. Archive 2009-01-01
  • One young man had his life dramatically changed by the tour as he entered the vegan lifestyle, departing from a life of meat, chocolate bars, and fast food.
  • She left the TV on the sports channel as she reached over to the coffee table, grabbed the half eaten chocolate bar and chomped on it.
  • A chocolate bar unfortunately unavailable in the US, milk chocolate with little caramel centres.
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