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How To Use Chino In A Sentence

  • Try them out with a nice pair of Earth tone flat-front chinos or slim-fit blue jeans, and a classic button-down shirt - tucked in or not.
  • The film is at its most exasperating in detailing the tragic story of Eduardo "El Chino" Hernandez.
  • Also among the rich assortment of intriguing pieces that fill each page are panels dating from c.1600, decorated with saints standing beneath baldacchinos.
  • = -- The parasites found in food in this country are echinococcus, guineaworm, hookworm, trichina, and tapeworm. The Home Medical Library, Volume I (of VI)
  • Krein said staying right on bottom is critical here, because that's where the candlefish are, and thus the chinook. Local, Sports, Business and Entertainment News
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  • Based on a Korean fairy-tale, this light and witty piece of chinoiserie tells the story of a Mandarin's daughter who is engaged to a rich Ambassador but loves an impoverished youth.
  • Warmer temperatures may allow species with a low rate of infection, such as brucellosis in caribou or echinococcus in voles, to survive in larger numbers increasing the number of susceptible hosts and infected animals. Potential impacts of indirect mechanisms of climate change on human health in the Arctic
  • The Antibody against Chinook salmon ( Oncorhynchus tshawytscha ) growth hormone ( sGH ) was prepared by 4 cinjeations of sGH into rabbit.
  • A passion for Chinese motifs - chinoiserie - preceded and paved the way.
  • One day a chinovnik brought us an advertisement as you have done. Taras Bulba and Other Tales
  • These taxa consist of a broad array of organisms, including foraminifers, corals, bryozoans, mollusks, echinoderms, and fish.
  • In baggy collarless cream shirt and hip-hugging chino trousers he looked so overwhelmingly attractive that she couldn't drag her eyes away.
  • FLYFISHING King salmon (chinooks) require stout fly tackle — 9 - to 10-weight rods with sinking-tip lines, heavy leaders, and large, gaudy flies. How to Plan A Fishing Trip to Alaska
  • As an initial matter, the echinoderms and chordate phyla have been arranged in almost every possible phylogenetic order.
  • Molecular phylogenies have suggested that hemichordates are in fact a sister lineage to the echinoderms.
  • Take two shots of Havana Club light three-year-old rum, half a shot of freshly squeezed lime juice, a teaspoon of sugar and an eighth of maraschino liqueur.
  • Alamirifica corona differs considerably from Echinobathra by not having protruding, very thick varices nor tabulate whorls.
  • The report, which covers 15 zoonotic infections, also provides data on other zoonoses, such as brucellosis, bovine tuberculosis and rabies, and the two parasitic zoonoses trichinellosis and echinococcosis. Food IngredientsFIrst News
  • Most biologists are familiar with only a few of the approximately 40 extant animal phyla such as annelids, arthropods, molluscs, echinoderms and chordates.
  • We chordates are deuterostomes, as are echinoderms, some marine worms called hemichordates, and the urochordates, or sea squirts.
  • He caused an estimate to be taken of the sum required for his own expenditure, and that of those in his personal service; and being told that six hundred scudi would be sufficient, (scudo was at that time the name of a golden coin which, retaining the same weight and value, was afterwards called a zecchino,) 1 he gave orders that this sum should annually be set apart out of his patrimonial estate, for the expenses of the table. Chapter XXII
  • Although Italian director Luchino Visconti was a pioneer of the grungy, grit-and-all filmmaking style called neorealism, he also loved all things grand and operatic. Express Milwaukee
  • Here's hoping Alphard institutes a hostile take over of IchinomiyaAnime Nano!
  • Later Paleozoic seas were dominated by crinoid and blastoid echinoderms, articulate brachiopods, graptolites, and tabulate and rugose corals. Paleozoic
  • As the taste for chinoiserie flourished, textiles such as chintz, wallpapers, screens and cabinets freely incorporated Asian motifs both real and imagined.
  • The author found that 100 grammes of a Bucholze's solution for the propagation of bacteria, charged with 0.20 g. of chinoline hydrochlorate, had remained perfectly clear and free from bacteria after standing forty-six days exposed to the air, while a similar solution, placed under the same conditions, without chinoline, had turned muddy and contained bacteria after only twelve days 'standing. Scientific American Supplement, No. 315, January 14, 1882
  • At different times of the year, the Campbell hosts all five species of Pacific salmon: chinook, coho, chum, sockeye, pink - and even the odd Atlantic salmon escaped from a nearby fish farm.
  • He wore chinos, a polo shirt, and Topsiders with no socks to work - and he had little regard for rank or status.
  • Here we are with an echinoderm, a mollusc, and a chordate. Steve Steve and the Pirates and Philosophers of the Prairie - The Panda's Thumb
  • He was wearing a yellow golf shirt, tucked into khaki chino shorts with a call phone clipped to his belt - the Republican uniform.
  • A person I went to school with, Janna Underinner, is now working with one of the Oregon Coast reservations (it may be the Grand Ronde reservation) to make Chinook wawa their language (I'm a little fuzzy about the exact situation), so your short story would be good, but my impression is that Chinook Jargon is based on Nuuchanuulth which is Wakashan, not Salishan. ANYONE FOR SALISHAN?
  • September 18, 2009 at 3:38 am you are a bunch of chinooks I always - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
  • Honest-to-goodness maraschino liqueur, by contrast, is subtle and elusive, and a sly way to add just a hint of sweetness to an otherwise unsugared drink. Hemingway's Daiquiri
  • The Permian extinction, 244 million years ago, devastated the marine biota: tabulate and rugose corals, blastoid echinoderms, graptolites, and most crinoids died out, as did the last of the trilobites. Paleozoic
  • And the parasite is remarkably similar to the ‘rosette agent’ found occasionally in salmon, including chinook salmon, which can also cause mortality.
  • In that time, the first undoubted fossil annelids, arthropods, brachiopods, echinoderms, molluscs, onychophorans, poriferans, and priapulids show up in rocks all over the world.
  • When he makes the mistake of falling in love with the beautiful, English bred sister of the local land baron, the land baron makes the mistake of having Chino bullwhipped almost to death.
  • Then the "chinooks" came with their warm winds that changed the snow-laden landscape into a quagmire of mud, water, and open stretches of road which raised all kinds of havoc with the metal cleats. American Chronicle
  • The fossil content consists of ammonites, belemnites, brachiopods, echinoderms, bivalves, crinoids, gastropods, ostracodes and benthic foraminifers.
  • Their cakes have the charm of iconic line drawings, all elegant right angles and perfect domes and maraschino cherries that might have been placed with a compass.
  • Pagoda Trellis is based on a fragment of a silk panel hand painted in France in the eighteenth century in response to the European rage for chinoiserie that pervaded every aspect of interior decoration.
  • Now he was wearing a fleece and chinos. Times, Sunday Times
  • In early May 1992, the National Marine Fisheries Service listed the Snake River chinook salmon as a threatened species.
  • Schlafly Dry-Hopped APA (American pale ale) draws its flavor from Cascade and Chinook hops, two quintessential American strains noted for their citrusy and resiny qualities. Beer: Schlafly's D.C. connection
  • Rein speaks of the removal of an enormous echinococcus cyst of the omentum without interruption of pregnancy. Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine
  • Each run of Pacific chinook, coho, sockeye, pink, and chum salmon knows how to survive in a specific spawning stream.
  • A tough question to answer, but I don't think it can get any better than fishing for chinook salmon in tidewater. The Kings of Tidewater
  • I was wearing a pair of chinos and a (rather stylish) company polo shirt, but I felt quite underdressed as soon as I walked in the door.
  • Liverpool like Fernando Torres and also the non-embarrassing type of Americans, Americans with an air of chino-sporting Massachusetts aristocracy who. Wayne Rooney, Americans and the terrible burden of ambition
  • But Naval engineers, based in the Islands, repaired the cross, which was flown back by Chinook helicopter.
  • Polyzoa and the pedicellariæ of Echinoderms, between Ichthyosauria and On the Genesis of Species
  • Even if it's a simple chino or pant from the High Street. Francisco Costa's Modern Aesthetic
  • These inquiries unearthed disturbing evidence about the safety record of the Chinook and its computer systems. Times, Sunday Times
  • The word Cheechako, from Chinook Jargon, originated in the United States (Alaska) and Canada News
  • This implies that the ancestral polarity of the 4.6-kb inversion is the echinoid pattern.
  • Set on the north boundary on a decking platform with a cantilevered shelter over it, it is a single cubic mass, a pristine altar to the outdoor life under a hardwood baldacchino.
  • There are words from English and French, and from various NW languages (including Salish and Wakashan languages) but the largest single source appears to be Lower Chinook (Chinook Proper) of the Chinookan family. ANYONE FOR SALISHAN?
  • Most such particles are echinoderm stem ossicles, brachiopods, bryozoans or other corals.
  • Once the $325 million project is completed, locals will greet returning pink, Chinook, Coho, chum and Sockeye salmon—as well as the animals that rely on them, like black bears and bald eagles.
  • Just don't get caught wearing your sneakers with chinos and suits, at least not by me!
  • The Snoqualmie watershed plays a large role in the survival of the Sound's fish stocks, supporting wild runs of coho, chinook, pink and chum salmon along with steelhead and cutthroat trout.
  • On dress-down Fridays half the tunnels' inhabitants are men wearing polo shirts tucked into chinos.
  • On a whim I added some maraschino liqueur and a few dashes of orange bitters to the Auchentoshan, stirred the drink over ice, and sampled it.
  • With a sweeping gesture, she lowered the dipper into the steaming cauldron holding the noxious purple brew that was going to cure Alicia's headaches and Chino's gall-bladder problems.
  • John immediately rode for Chinon, where the Angevin treasury was kept, while Constance sent a Breton army to take control of Angers, in Anjou, where a meeting of barons from Anjou and Maine duly declared for Arthur.
  • The US recently stepped up its relief efforts, sending in 11 more Chinook helicopters to join the 17 US choppers already flying missions into the quake zone.
  • Every person and item of ritual furniture the altar with its book, candlesticks and crucifix laid out, the papal throne to the left with its honorific baldacchino is numbered and then labeled in the key below, so that viewers of the print can learn every arcane detail of this aspect of the papal mass. Archive 2009-03-01
  • These build-ups are made up of bryozoans (mostly robust-branching and minor laminar forms), bivalves and coralline algae, accompanied by echinoids, brachiopods, barnacles, ahermatypic corals, serpulids and vermetids.
  • You will spot many adopting them in town too, teamed with chinos or washed jeans. Times, Sunday Times
  • Fast, accurate tests, based on antibody testing technology, were developed for trichinosis in pigs; for anaplasmosis, a costly parasitic disease in cattle; and for plant viruses and viroids.
  • Spring came to the Bad Lands in fits and numerous false starts, first the "chinook," uncovering the butte-tops between dawn and dusk, then the rushing of many waters, the flooding of low bottom-lands, the agony of a world of gumbo, and, after a dozen boreal setbacks, the awakening of green things and the return of a temperature fit for human beings to live in. Roosevelt in the Bad Lands
  • The other, taken from a chinook salmon, is a version of the growth-hormone gene itself.
  • When the occasional mollusk or echinoderm proves too tough or too large to swallow whole, there are always hands. Starfish
  • Check out the Chinook Jargon page that zaelic gives and head out to the conference to get the latest word, though. ANYONE FOR SALISHAN?
  • A triple purpose was thus served, -- the Venetian merchants were protected in their lives and goods, the national honor was saved from insult, and many an honest zecchino was turned by the innkeepers and others who lodged and entertained the customers of the merchants. Venetian Life
  • Additionally, the floral and fruity red appellations Chinon and Bourgueil are produced from the Cabernet Franc grown in the region, with Chinon being the most common red wine of the whole valley.
  • The molecular phylogeny does agree in one respect with the morphological one in that there are close similarities between the larvae of hemichordates (acorn worms and pterobranchs) and some echinoderms.
  • The Parnassians contributed to the cultivation of this taste for chinoiserie.
  • A few ophiuroid species can even tolerate brackish water, an ability otherwise almost unknown among echinoderms.
  • For I have lived long enough to learn that the monstrous and outlandish figure, the _magot chinois_ whom I believed to be but a memorial of our forefathers 'mental aberration, that grotesque _potiche_, works! Notes on Life and Letters
  • The preferred condensed tannin, tannin from the Quebracho tree of sulfonated quebracho, is derived from the core of the tree of the genus Schinopsis, which is abundant in Argentina and Paraguay.
  • Construction timing, geared toward the beginning of 2005, coincides with the birth and early life cycles of sockeye, chinook and coho salmon, steelhead and sea-running cutthroat trout.
  • The echinoderms may seem, from a human point of view, to be a blind alley of no particular importance.
  • The twisted columns of Bernini's baldacchino above Saint Peter's tomb, as yet not found, do not announce his resurrection.
  • Moments after the force boarded a Chinook to leave the battlefield the aircraft crashed into the main bazaar. Times, Sunday Times
  • Racing up the backstretch Chino Charlie, on the rail, broke down and fell as Apalachian Thunder opened up a four-length lead.
  • Sounds great, but will tese 6 'D' class chinooks be in adition to the 16 new choppers they are expecting? Refurbished Choppers for Afghanistan?
  • Chinoiserie” (meaning bizarre tricks or monkey - shines in modern French usage) is a term descriptive of the eighteenth-century European view of China as Dictionary of the History of Ideas
  • While in freshwater, Chinook Salmon fry and smolts feed on plankton and then terrestrial and aquatic insects, amphipods and crustaceans.
  • Despite the astonishing abundance of echinoid spines in the coral reef horizon, echinoid tests were not found here.
  • One widely-mooted suggestion is that planktotrophic larvae, typified by the annelidan trochophore and echinoid pluteus, existed long before the metazoan radiations evident in the Cambrian fossil record.
  • Some of these cases were doubtless instances of echinococcus, trichinæ, or the result of rectovesical fistula, but Riverius 13.38 mentions an instance in which, after drinking water containing worms, a person passed worms in the urine. Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine
  • The ophiuroid coelom is strongly reduced, particularly in comparison to other echinoderms.
  • Echinoid and crinoid fragments are preserved on a number of bedding planes, indicating normal salinity levels.
  • He's wearing white chinos, a blue short-sleeved shirt and sunglasses.
  • Many people, including those behind the bar, avoid using maraschinos because they fear they are harmful.
  • The interiors are all original chinoiseries and stained glass, oil paintings, Meissen porcelain, taffeta and silk.
  • Three hours later a second Chinook sent to rescue him was hit by machine-gun fire and another rocket-propelled grenade.
  • The hottest-selling fabric for embroidered caps today is a chino cotton-washed material, which is processed in such a way that it provides a soft, luxurious but sturdy finish.
  • Nino's Stalker (Hoshi), little bombshell Stella, experimenting twins, P-ko the wallflower, ex-salaryman the line-follower, Kou's stalker Takai, Ichinomiya Senior the-never-take-anyone's-help oyaji and saved best for the last, sample of Anime Nano!
  • The stay was arranged in collaboration with a hotel school in Chateau Chinon on the outskirts of Beaune in the heart of the Burgundy region.
  • Cornet Bay ramp, North Whidbey Island - April 3: Two boats with three anglers caught two chinook and three kelp greenling. The Seattle Times
  • In this context, "Khakis" have become popular as business casual pants/trousers, and includes other cuts and fabric types (such as chinos). I get email... Reader Tim challenges me with "Khaki" - dfi
  • Lastly, they are valuable for use in medical research on multiple births, organ transplants, birth defects and diseases such as leprosy, typhus and trichinosis.
  • Into the early 1990s most researchers and evidence suggested that the deuterostomes were composed of chordates, hemichordates, echinoderms, chaetognaths, and lophophorates.
  • He plopped several maraschinos into the dollop of whipped cream, then plucked one out.
  • Various Artists munga* wayne marshall* vybz kartel* voicemail* Bramma* Chino* Laden* demarco* einstein* koshens* elephant man* esco* Delly Ranx* - Articles related to Don't fry in the sun
  • Oregon, native Chinookan people of the lower Columbia River lived in huge plank houses at a settlement we now call the St. Johns Site. - Business News
  • The delegates wear designer chinos and yellow baseball caps and the talk is all about patriotism and duty - just don't mention the deficit, welfare meltdown or what's really in the manifesto.
  • There, on its wooded height, the pentice roofs glistening in the sunlight, stood Chinon, with its triple castle, so full of the memories of history; and all around spread the wide Tourangeais. Orrain A Romance
  • With French and German influences came chinoiserie, which was first introduced in the Palazzo Reale in Turin, and would spread all the way to Palermo.
  • Most such particles are echinoderm stem ossicles, brachiopods, bryozoans or other corals.
  • Chino Airport Manager James Jenkins stated that the aircraft in these hangars are not contaminated, but the area is.
  • The princes have often been snapped wearing chinos. The Sun
  • When surf-casting into Lake Michigan in November, the possibilities are endless: steelhead, coho, menominee, chinook, lake trout, almost anything can come along.
  • These micro-organisms are found in just a few pieces of amber among the thousands that have been studied, but show a remarkable diversity: unicellular algae, mainly diatoms found in large numbers, traces of animal plankton, such as radiolaria and a foraminifer, spiny skeletons of sponges and of echinoderms. Signs of the Times
  • I found through that maraschino is a cordial or liqueur made from the Italian wild marasca cherry and that cherries preserved in this liqueur were the first maraschino cherries recorded in around 1820 though this process of preserving the marasca cherries was far older than that. At My Table
  • I remembered Estebita and Piri dying in blackout cells, the victims of biological experimentation; Diosdado Aquit, Chino Tan, Eddy Molina and so many others murdered in the forced-labour fields, quarries and camps. Cuban hypocrisy « Anglican Samizdat
  • In the vast basilica of San Giovanni in Laterano the priests bustled like beetles around the baldacchino as they presided over Midnight Mass.
  • He was costumed in an unfortunately fitting pair of chinos and a pink button-down short sleeve shirt.
  • The literature on echinoderm neurobiology is sparse, but one of the few studies available found that the pharyngeal retractor muscle of the holothurian Cucumaria has perhaps 700 motor units.
  • Ichinomiya was once a small and peaceful town, free of yakuza, but recent months have seen a shakedown of all the businesses by a thug named Boss Gonzo.
  • Unless you class chinos and checked shirts as eccentric. The Sun
  • Reproduction in echinoderms is typically by external fertilization; eggs and sperm are freely discharged into the water.
  • Along the eastern slopes of the Rockies, the Chinook wind provides a welcome respite from the long winter chill.
  • There are words from English and French, and from various NW languages (including Salish and Wakashan languages) but the largest single source appears to be Lower Chinook (Chinook Proper) of the Chinookan family. ANYONE FOR SALISHAN?
  • He looks edgy, but wears chinos and waistcoats. Times, Sunday Times
  • For I have lived long enough to learn that the monstrous and outlandish figure, the _magot chinois_ whom I believed to be but a memorial of our forefathers 'mental aberration, that grotesque _potiche_, works! Notes on Life and Letters
  • Elliot's face grew deadly pale, her lower lip stiff, as when she was angered with me at Chinon, and so, wrying her neck suddenly to the left, she rode on her way, nor ever looked towards us again. A Monk of Fife
  • She was attacked with a severe inflammation of the right eye, which had to be enucleated, and was found full of tenia echinococcus, evidently derived from the dog's tongue. Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine
  • He looks edgy, but wears chinos and waistcoats. Times, Sunday Times
  • They now wear chinos and pullovers and swan around Putney or F'lam and… anyway, enough about them.
  • Lots of words are just as rarely used, and yet just as legitimate: consider “trichinosis”, “antediluvian”, “antiphonic”, “okapi”. The Volokh Conspiracy » Guestblogging Dictionary Myths:
  • The interambulacrum of Meekechinus contains only three columns of plates, which is more similar than the aboral side of Pronechinus to the interpretation of the interambulacrum of the Brownwood echinocystitid.
  • Reber suggested that the artist may have been interpreting (albeit very loosely) some engravings by Jean Pillement, whose chinoiseries were quite widely known at the time, but this is difficult to confirm.
  • Sony has lost what made it special - In the glory days of the 1970s and 1980s, Sony's Inazawa factory made cathode ray tubes and sent them down the road to Ichinomiya, where they were used in Trinitron televisions and exported. Original Signal - Transmitting Buzz
  • Differentiation between the echinococcal cyst and hepatocellular carcinoma on CT images evoked diagnostic difficulty before operation.
  • All we know is that the men will be wearing tight-fitting chinos. Times, Sunday Times
  • The best-known sour cherries are morello and maraschino, with a slightly tart edge that is perfect for cooking...' At My Table
  • The dog is the host for _Taeniae marginala_, _coenurus_ and _echinococcus_. Common Diseases of Farm Animals
  • The mouth leads to the intestine and anus, which is located in the center of the aboral surface in regular echinoids.
  • The mouth leads to the intestine and anus, which is located in the center of the aboral surface in regular echinoids.
  • Chinook Jargon:a pidgin language combining words from Nootka, Chinook, Salishan languages, French, and English, formerly used as a lingua franca in the Pacific Northwest.
  • Echinoderms are also not microscopic, except for their larvae; they range from a few millimeters to a few decimeters in size, although the stalks of some crinoids could reach a length of over a meter.
  • When I asked what his Gunex and Rivamonti customers should do, he grabbed a pair of chinos, pointed at the pleats, and said some basic pieces like pleated pants are being incorporated into the more luxurious Brunello Cucinelli line. D&G Will Die; Long Live Dolce & Gabbana
  • Belvidere Antinous, of faultless anatomy and a study for Domenichino, the Laocoon, so panegyrized by Pliny, the Apollo Belvidere the work of The Old Roman World, : the Grandeur and Failure of Its Civilization.
  • [8], despite the availability of potent drugs such as amphotericin B, azole derivatives or echinocandins PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • I made brandy alexanders 1 part brandy, 1 part creme de cacao, 1 part Haagen-Daz vanilla ice cream, 1 maraschino cherry, splash of maraschino cherry juice. Weekend Update: Alotta Fagina Edition
  • As for the George II Chinoiserie giltwood overmantel mirror by sold by Christie's New York on 3 June, it had it all.
  • Me, I just wanted chinos without pleats and I was lost. Unpleated
  • Here, near where Sacagawea was reunited with her family, Bannocks and Sheepeaters fished the mountain stream for the chinook salmon that filled its waters each summer.
  • Martin Ramin for The Wall Street Journal Hand-scrimshawed burgee buckle For the Salty Dog This hand-scrimshawed burgee buckle jibes well with a canvas belt, salt-faded chinos and a simple pique polo. Shoot From the Hip
  • His chief undertaking in Padua was a new high altar for the Santo, and its seven bronze statues and 22 reliefs were originally arranged beneath a baldacchino as a sacra conversazione.
  • They might have been better off calling the RAF - witness this remarkable photograph also courtesty of FW of an RAF Chinook lifting a pea viner out of the mire. Archive 2007-08-01
  • No matter how much money there is to be made in Russia these days, it ultimately doesn't count for much the day a boyar or simple chinovnik decides to take it away. Russia's Crony Statism
  • Again, opt for a washed finish and team with a T-shirt and a pair of cotton shorts or chinos. Times, Sunday Times
  • While she was perhaps best known for her portrayal as Elisabeth, Empress Consort of Austria in various popcorn romance films throughout her career, it was later work with luminaries such as Luchino Visconti, Claude Chabrol and Bertrand Tavernier that established Schneider as a screen legend. What's On Around Europe
  • He wore pink shirts and chinos. Times, Sunday Times
  • Coconut buttercake is filled with a mix of morello and glace cherries, kirsch and a little cream and then topped with a really rich 70% Lindt buttercream and a maraschino cherry. Spotlight on Cupcakery Cupcakes
  • The use of a ciborium, or baldacchino, can be a very effective and particularly dignified way to resolve the matter, giving the altar that due gravitas. New Chapel of Our Lady of Guadalupe Seminary
  • Other names for pig are cerdo, cochino and marrano, and a suckling pig is called a lechón. A Guide to Mexican Butcher Shops Part II: Pork and Lamb
  • The hat is enzyme bio-washed chino twill with silicone softeners, low profile, six panels with sewn eyelets on each panel, and has a self-fabric strap with antique brass slide buckle closure and tuck-in grommet.
  • He wore his white chambray shirt and purple vest, black chinos, and leather boots.
  • Take your pick from a wardrobe of T-shirts, chinos and rather fine caps. Times, Sunday Times
  • For the Sahara Cup, it was the Chinese jute cap, T-shirt, chinos, towel set and socks; for the McDowells event, it will be a leather pouch for golf balls and a leather wallet.
  • The snow disappears as with the sweep of a "chinook" in winter. The Story of the Foss River Ranch
  • The Seymour hatchery raises and releases about 750,000 smolts annually, including pink, chum, coho, chinook salmon, cutthroat trout and steelhead.
  • Unfortunately, a change in the genetic code of the mitochondrial genome in both enteropneusts and echinoderms strongly rejects chordate affinities of the hemichordates.
  • Stir ingredients ina mixing glass with ice. Strain into a chilled martini glass. Twist orange peel over the drink, discard, and garnish with a maraschino cherry.
  • Over 200 species of micro-organisms, fish, crustaceans, polychaetes, echinoderms, coelenterates, and molluscs have been identified in the vent areas.
  • A pupil of Domenichino, he was most in sympathy with classical art, but he also appreciated the Baroque, and enriched his narratives with anecdote and vivid detail.
  • But this August has been bad for the Obama administration primarily because the liberal knives have finally come out for him, with the maraschino cherry on top being the backdown on ozone regulations at month's end. Harry Shearer: The Two Things Obama Got Wrong
  • The whale, named Tilikum or "friend" in the Native American language Chinook Jargon, is among the killer whales, dolphins and seals whose shows have made SeaWorld so popular. Iac world news feed
  • The deception was possibly due to the presence of loose and shaggy membrane attached to the endocardial lining of the heart, or in some cases to echinococci or trichine. Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine
  • Eso es exactamente lo que ha pasado con Fanfou, el twitter chino, cuyo servicio fue cortado sin aviso previo ni explicaciones el día 8 de julio, [...] 16 July 2009, 7: 49 am Global Voices in English » China: Netizens starving, no more rice talk!
  • Dating to around 1760-75, many bear delicate but thickly applied ‘high-relief’ polychrome enamelled flowers, exotic birds, fruit, chinoiseries and gilt-scrolled borders characteristic of contemporary Chelsea porcelain.
  • Below the trees, a layer of tall herbs and coarse grasses grows to 2 to 3 m in height, including Caperonia palustris, Echinochloa colona, Hibiscus asper, Hygrophila auriculata, Sorghum purpureosericeum, and Schoenfeldia gracilis. Lake Chad flooded savanna
  • BELLY During the three to five years that the chinook is at sea, it feeds voraciously, building stores of fat to sustain it during its spawning run. Natural History Facts about the King (or Chinook) Salmon of the Pacific Coast and the Great Lakes
  • Sulfites (sodium sulfite, sulfur dioxide, sodium or potassium bisulfate, sodium or potassium metabisulfite) - These substances are used as preservatives/antioxidants and are found in: dried, canned, or frozen fruit; wine; beer; maraschino cherries; bakery items; canned shrimp; precut potatoes; olives; and bottled lemon juice. Understanding the Need for Limiting Your Intake of Food Additives
  • The princes have often been snapped wearing chinos. The Sun
  • You will spot many adopting them in town too, teamed with chinos or washed jeans. Times, Sunday Times
  • When I put the chinos on I found they had an elasticated waistband.
  • Now this is a row of suspects that were outside that are with the Sheriff's office, so the suspects have to try to go through a maze of the prebooking, search and then eventually cleared for housing to be transferred later in the day to Indio or Banning or if they were parolees they were herded on the bus and taken back to Chino. Ron's Log
  • Mivart adduces this case, chiefly on account of the supposed difficulty of organs, namely the avicularia of the Polyzoa and the pedicellariæ of the Echinodermata, which he considers as “essentially similar, ” having been developed through natural selection in widely distinct divisions of the animal kingdom. VII. Miscellaneous Objections to the Theory of Natural Selection
  • DAVIS, Calif., Sept. 1 (UPI) -- Warming in California streams could spell the end of spring-run Chinook salmon in the state by the end of the century, a study says.
  • ANNIE MURPHY (Freelance Journalist): Mario Gomez has carefully prepared for his TV interviews; he's clean-shaven, dressed in chinos, a spotless hooded sweatshirt and loafers. Oldest Chilean Miner Speaks About Rescue
  • In lieu of actually traveling to these exotic places, people surrounded themselves with chinoiserie,
  • But Striped Bass is a predator that may be impeding the recovery of listed species including steelhead trout, chinook salmon, delta smelt and splittail.
  • The bottom two wines based on score were the 2005 Charles Joguet Chinon (Dioterie cuvee, $36) and the 2005 Domaine des Vallettes Bourgueil ($12). The New York Cork Report
  • But the word singeries (French singe: ape or monkey) is usually restricted to a particular phase of chinoiserie during the French Régence period.
  • The Echinidea, again, are frequently quoted as exhibiting a gradual passage from a more generalized to a more specialized type, seeing that the elongated, or oval, Spatangoids appear after the spheroidal Echinoids. Essays
  • Echinoderms are considered the invertebrate group most closely related to the vertebrates.
  • The fossil content consists of ammonites, belemnites, brachiopods, echinoderms, bivalves, crinoids, gastropods, ostracodes and benthic foraminifers.
  • The view from the wooden deck is a mesh of banana, mango, orange, and momonchino trees.
  • But Striped Bass is a predator that may be impeding the recovery of listed species including steelhead trout, chinook salmon, delta smelt and splittail.
  • The greenhorn is seen in a rarely heard word of Chinook ancestry, cheechako, and an Algonquian term, sometimes used for cayuse, recognizes friendship in nitchie, also rare. VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol VII No 4
  • I saw one of these rooms in Chinook and it was enough to turn me off food for a couple of hours.
  • They live parasitically in the body-cavity of echinoderms (Ophiura) and vermalia; they are distinguished by the fact that their primitive gut-cavity is not empty, but filled with entodermic cells, from which the sexual cells are developed. The Evolution of Man — Volume 2
  • Since the vogue for chinoiserie included keeping exotic animals, the manufacture of porcelain animals is understandable.
  • We also make salamis, chorizos and cotechinos, whose combined lifespan will be between three and six months.

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