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[ UK /t‍ʃˈɪnləs/ ]
  1. having a receding chin

How To Use chinless In A Sentence

  • The old soldier conjured a particularly ugly visage: a balding gnome-like pate, puggish nose, rheumy eyes-some said from too much drink-a perpetual frown, chinless face, the furrowed brow.
  • Funny that, because much as I love the Union, it's hampered by its chinless clientele, and its live music doesn't always go down a treat.
  • REVILED as a chinless, wingless, humourless, smug English twit, Alf was, in fact, the perfect ambassador for his country, Little England.
  • Day late and a trillion or two short there, chinless princess. Think Progress » Obama Reprimands GOP: Stop Saying ‘This Guy’s Doing All Kinds Of Crazy Stuff…To Destroy America’
  • She caught a glimpse of hairless gray skin hanging loose from a thick neck, tiny yellow eyes squinting malevolently over a chinless, gaping mouth.
  • Victims 'reaction varied. ric Besson, the immigration minister who was called "chinless," said on France Inter that the station should be a more responsible state broadcaster and weigh its words. In France, a Comic Who Specializes in Short Jokes Gets Cut Down to Size
  • It makes my stomach churn every time Senate Minority Leader Frank Burns (R-Ky) shows his snivelling, chinless mug on the TV. Think Progress » Podesta Calls On McConnell To Apologize For Denigrating FBI Interrogation Of Abdulmuttalab
  • This chinless mouth-breather wants to make a movie about a man who becomes friends with a liberated lab monkey.
  • His chinless face was gaunt and unshaven, and his deep eye-sockets, together with his habit of looking sideways at people, gave him all the charm of a fresh corpse.
  • The problem is, it's been fashionable and acceptable to be prejudiced and insulting towards the upper classes ( "chinless", "inbreeding" and so on). Politics news, UK and world political comment and analysis |
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