How To Use Chicken yard In A Sentence
It was early in the days of Madrono Ranch, at the time of Mrs. Mortimer's second visit, that Billy drove in with a load of pipe; and house, chicken yards, and barn were piped from the second-hand tank he installed below the house-spring.
They cause damage to orchards, vineyards, melon patches, cornfields, peanut fields, and chicken yards.
They did not use compost, but they often placed their garden near the pigpen, chicken yard, or rabbit hutches so that these animals could convert less palatable garden produce into manure.
They did not use compost, but they often placed their garden near the pigpen, chicken yard, or rabbit hutches so that these animals could convert less palatable garden produce into manure.
In the oppressive confines of the chicken yard, one chicken has a vision for bettering their lot in life.