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[ US /tʃɝˈnoʊbəɫ/ ]
  1. a city in north central Ukraine; site of a major disaster at a nuclear power plant (26 April 1986)

How To Use Chernobyl In A Sentence

  • But because Gorbachev had not yet consolidated his hold on power, or perhaps because the sheer scale of what was happening in Ukraine scared him, the Chernobyl disaster occasioned a reversion to old habits.
  • Did you see any post-Chernobyl documentary about the lifetime plight of the salmon lakes?
  • The Katzer pages and this botanical log confirm the similar Russian names: mugwort is Чернобыльник ( "Chernobylnik") or botanically Полынь Обыкновенная (Common Polyn);, and according to the southernwood page, wormwood aka Artemisia absinthium is Полынь горькая ( "Bitter Polyn" again). Archive 2004-05-01
  • A year after Chernobyl the scare about radioactive food had died down.
  • It took about a minute using Google for me to find a paper published in Science four years before the Chernobyl meltdown describing precisely the same level of "the naturally occurring radioactive nuclide polonium-210" in the same species of shrimp in samples from the Atlantic Ocean. NYT > Home Page
  • The 1986 nuclear disaster in Chernobyl spread radiation worldwide.
  • Did you see any post-Chernobyl documentary about the lifetime plight of the salmon lakes?
  • Last Sunday, the Chernobyl children staying in the extended area, made Herbertstown their last stop.
  • The utility has released data showing it meets these criteria at Fukushima, the site of the worst nuclear accident since the 1986 Chernobyl disaster, though some nuclear scientists say the term doesn't apply to melted reactors. -- Top News
  • To quickly revert back to the earlier subject of biodetection, we'll note that the article goes on to quote John Dighton, a fungi specialist who has done research at Chernobyl. Archive 2007-07-01
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