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  1. the process of forming a ring by forming one or more hydrogen bonds
  2. (medicine) the process of removing a heavy metal from the bloodstream by means of a chelate as in treating lead or mercury poisoning

How To Use chelation In A Sentence

  • There has never been a clinical trial testing chelation for autism; one government-funded trial was halted after scientists at Cornell University and the University of California, Santa Cruz, found that rats without heavy metal poisoning who were chelated showed signs of cognitive impairment. The Panic Virus
  • Measurement of coproporphyrin and ALA-D provide clinical investigators with an indication of lead effects on heme biosynthetic pathways and reversal of these effects during chelation therapy. Succimer
  • This Phase III randomized, multi-center, clinical trial compares standard therapy to prevent repeated stroke and the management of iron overload in pediatric patients (red cell transfusions and iron chelation) with an alternative therapy consisting of the medication, hydroxyurea, combined with phlebotomy, which is the removal of red blood cells. Sickle cell disease research at The Children's Hospital
  • Metal chelation is not expensive, but it is a lengthy process.
  • You may have read about a development called chelation therapy—basically an arterial Drano. You Staying Young
  • The same is chelation therapy which claims to metals that some believe, with little to be responsible condition. Times, Sunday Times
  • Regulations should be enacted against other false claims - such as quack cancer cures, crash diets, Chelation therapy, iridology, therapeutic touch, and magnetic therapy.
  • The FDA took the action after noticing an increase in 'chelation therapy' products marketed on the Internet that claim to cleanse the body of toxic chemicals and heavy metals. FDA cracks down on experimental autism therapy
  • A treatment called chelation which takes heavy metals such as mercury out of the system using medications or creams has become an increasingly popular intervention for autism. Autism and Thimerosal: Is there really a correlation?
  • The theory is that EDTA chelation might work by removing calcium in fatty plaques that block arteries, by lowering cholesterol levels or by reducing inflammation in the arteries and improving blood vessel function. FDA cracks down on chelation therapy drugs
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