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  1. in a chaste and virtuous manner
    she lived chastely

How To Use chastely In A Sentence

  • There are people within the Catholic Church who might argue that those who label themselves ‘gay’ or ‘lesbian’ aren't necessarily living unchastely.
  • she lived chastely
  • They ‘live in Concubinage - swopping their Wivesas Cattle, and living in a State of Nature, more irregularly and unchastely than the Indians,’ wrote an observer in the South nearly 200 years ago.
  • Those who looked chastely upon women heard the song as something harmonious and sweet; but those who looked unchastely upon women heard it as inharmonious and sad.
  • One of the most chastely beautiful of our native wild flowers -- so lovely that many shady nooks in English rock-gardens and ferneries contain imported clumps of the vigorous plant -- is the Large-flowered Wake-Robin, or White Wood Lily (_T. grandiflorum_). Wild Flowers Worth Knowing
  • He kissed her chastely on the cheek.
  • So the King soon knew what Ulfeldt described as glaringly bad in the letter from Dover: that our children in Rome are shouting unchastely for money.
  • They don't need the lily-white walls of galleries and museums, nor would their visual impact be significantly diminished by less chastely hospitable settings.
  • The wigs, drapery and costuming were a form of escape in which he lovingly (and chastely) colluded. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Duke's power over Sylvia and lack of concern for her wishes means that she must live unhappily or behave unchastely.
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