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character set

  1. an ordered list of characters that are used together in writing or printing

How To Use character set In A Sentence

  • To get Mandarin speech recognition to work, we had to learn a lot about this fascinating language — the differences between traditional and simplified Chinese, its tonal characteristics, automatic segmentation of text into words, pinyin representations of Chinese characters, sandhi rules, the different accents and languages in China, unicode representations of Chinese character sets...the list goes on and on. Google Search by voice travels the world, finds Nokia, learns Chinese
  • The format, encoding and coded character set of the message body are stored in the MQControl structure, contained in the MQ Header.
  • DRAM Digital record announcement machine DRAM Dynamic ram DRCS Dynamically redefinable character sets DRHR Division of revenue hourly DRMU Digital remote measurement unit DRTLRT Dial repe tie lindal repeatie t DRU DACS remote unit DS Data set DS Digital carrier span DS Digital signal DS Direct signal DS-0 Digital signal 0 (one channel at 64 kb/s) Tricks of the Trade Issue #6 by Hype (Christmas Edition)
  • Of course, any such operation presupposes the existence of a font covering multiple character sets or enough information to render a complex font to the screen.
  • the ASCII character set is the most universal character coding set
  • In the past, typical translations from proprietary houses have had buggy character sets and ended up with a weird mix of English and whichever language.
  • Icelandic dictionary order, case - insensitive, uppercase preference, for use with 1252 Character Set.
  • Besides hooking up with all the hot skater guys, do you think your character sets a positive example for girl skaters?
  • Dictionary order, case - insensitive, uppercase preference, for use with 1252 Character Set.
  • AutoRegistry A Multi-Code Page capability supports international character sets for global electronic mail interoperability.
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