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chance event

  1. anything that happens suddenly or by chance without an apparent cause
    the pregnancy was a stroke of bad luck
    it was due to an accident or fortuity
    winning the lottery was a happy accident

How To Use chance event In A Sentence

  • Thus, accidents or chance events function as sites around which narratives of individual difference can collocate.
  • Changes in view throughout the film come more from chance events than any deeper process.
  • As a result, they welcomed successful accidents and chance events.
  • It is also a novel full of offbeat plot twists and chance events.
  • And she went on to describe the odd sequence of seemingly chance events which had unavoidably led her to the scene of a fire, a large antique store wreathed in destructive glow.
  • The chief objection of these spoilsports is that history cannot be seen as simply a random catalogue of chance events, any of which might have turned out differently.
  • The first chance event is whether the plaintiff decides to bring an action for common law damages.
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