- cephalopod of the Indian and Pacific oceans having a spiral shell with pale pearly partitions
How To Use chambered nautilus In A Sentence
- While called "cuttlefish," these animals are actually not fish at all-they are members of the class Cephalopoda, which also includes octopus, squid, and the chambered nautilus. - latest science and technology news stories
- You can find them in phenomena ranging from the shell of the chambered nautilus to hurricanes and spiral galaxies.
- Unlike most other cephalopods that have a short life span, the chambered nautilus can live 16 or more years.
- The eggs and hatchlings of the chambered nautilus are the largest of all cephalopods.
- But in the repeated curve of her thigh and calf he saw shapes like sea shells, with the luminescence and faint muscular rays of the great chambered nautilus.
- The aborigines believe that the skeleton of each dead moon drops into the sea and becomes the shell of the chambered nautilus.
- There is a short detour to consider the inclusion of similarity, where Weyl finds symmetry in the chambered nautilus shell.
- Little changed over the past 500 million years, the chambered nautilus is considered a ‘living fossil’, like the horseshoe crab and the coelacanth.