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  1. by catalytic action; in a catalytic manner
    catalytically stabilized combustion of propane

How To Use catalytically In A Sentence

  • For an example of one reaction that autocatalytically produces an enantiomeric excess, look up the Soai reaction. mmurphy21 Abiogenesis: How plausible are the current models? - The Panda's Thumb
  • The cellular source of the catalytically active PLA2 in serum of patients suffering from acute pancreatitis and other diseases is unknown.
  • of the top 50 commodity chemicals, 30 are created directly by catalysis and another 6 are made from raw materials that are catalytically produced
  • In hot cleaning of producer gas of biomass gasification, Ammonia, the trace contaminant, is decomposed to nitrogen and hydrogen catalytically.
  • What Blackmond realised was that it was the dimers, not the monomers, that were catalytically active, and only the heterochiral dimer was not active.
  • Protein digestion begins in the stomach, where a proenzyme called pepsinogen is secreted, autocatalytically converted to Pepsin A, and used for the first step of proteolysis.
  • The cartridge anodes are preferably plated with a mixed metal oxide such as iridium oxide and ruthenium oxide to catalytically improve the production of oxygen.
  • catalytically stabilized combustion of propane
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