How To Use Catalpa In A Sentence
For those who just walked into this movie, Jolie Holland is a San Francisco-based alt-country songbird who quietly burst on the scene with the chimerical field recording of 2003's Catalpa.
But I lost an oak, a juniper and a catalpa tree, and there’s no replacing them, ” Ms. Anthony said.
The tired, sun-burnt hills of summer have awoken with a new, hopeful greenness and the catalpa trees are flowering with huge white orchid-like flowers in the village squares.
I just bought a tube of catalpa worm paste for catfish bait.
I just bought a tube of catalpa worm paste for catfish bait. Any know how it works?
Among the former I behold the "catalpa," with its silvery bark and trumpet-shaped blossoms; the "Osage orange," with its dark shining leaves; and the red mulberry, with thick shady foliage, and long crimson calkin-like fruits.
The Quadroon Adventures in the Far West

Bayley and Flo planted a catalpa in front of the house and set about the interior.
Silver maple and catalpa aren't the best choices because they're soft and break easily.
Among the former I behold the "catalpa," with its silvery bark and trumpet-shaped blossoms; the "Osage orange," with its dark shining leaves; and the red mulberry, with thick shady foliage, and long crimson calkin-like fruits.
The Quadroon Adventures in the Far West
There are more than 1,500 kinds of plants in these forests, including 19 kinds of rare plants such as the thorned cyathea spinulosa, the Chinese double-fan fern, the Chinese goose-palm catalpa and the yinque tree.
Part of the problem is that the catalpa tree outside the bedroom window is in dire need of a trim but who knows if the apartment building will be doing that this year.
Today's English gardens, from the small suburban yards to large parklands, are crowded with the descendants of the plants that Mr. Bartram dispatched, ranging from vibrant flowers such as echinacea, phlox and scarlet beebalm to majestic tulip poplars, magnolias and southern catalpas.
The Roots of a Gardening Obsession
In addition to those mentioned above, these include such well-known trees as quaking aspen, boxelder, northern catalpa, American holly, chestnut oak, and saguaro.
The signature plant in her garden is the golden catalpa tree, Catalpa bignonioides Aurea, whose nearly tropical nature seems to warm up Puget Sound by at least 20 degrees.
By the way of the stem analysis, the regularity of the Catalpa tree on the diameter at breast height, tree height, growth factors such as volume, which changes with age, are studied.
The northern catalpa can get leaf spot or powdery mildew, but these conditions are treatable.
Pink dawn (Chitalpa tashkentensis), a bigeneric hybrid between the narrow-leaved desert willow (Chilopsis linearis) and the broad-leaved catalpa tree (Catalpa bignonioides).
The road is strait and spacious and kept in excellent repair by the industrious inhabitants, and is generally bordered by tall and spreading trees as the magnolia, liquid amber, liriodendron, catalpa and live oak, and on the verges of the canals where the road was causewayed, stood the cyprus, lacianthus and magnolia, all planted by nature and left standing by the virtuous inhabitants, to shade the road and perfume the sultry air.
Agricultural Resources of Georgia. Address Before the Cotton Planters Convention of Georgia at Macon, December 13, 1860
The cheers ebbed as they spied a plume of smoke to the northeast - the British steamship Georgette was bearing down on both the Catalpa and the whaleboat.
The bignonia family (_Bignoniaceæ_) is mainly tropical, but in our southern states is represented by the showy trumpet-creeper (_Tecoma_) (Fig. 121, _A_), the catalpa, and _Martynia_.
Elements of Structural and Systematic Botany For High Schools and Elementary College Courses
(_Morus rubra_), the pale-green leaves of the catalpa, the tall tulip-tree (_liriodendron_), and the shining foliage of the orange.
The Boy Hunters
Unfortunately there came a point where one had to stop reading about kalmias & fragrant catalpas & shuffle off to teach some students, but it was a very jolly start to the day.
The catalpa is a tree which was planted about 25 years ago as a commercial speculation in Iowa, Kansas, and Nebraska.
Seasoning of Wood
The replica whaleboat presented to the Batavia Long Boat Replica Project Foundation in January is set to play a key role in a documentary about the whaling ship Catalpa.
Boy catalpa worms are a prize here, if I can find the trees, not many around.
What is the best bait to catch Channel cats on a trotline.
The tired, sun-burnt hills of summer have awoken with a new, hopeful greenness and the catalpa trees are flowering with huge white orchid-like flowers in the village squares.
But I lost an oak, a juniper and a catalpa tree, and there’s no replacing them, ” Ms. Anthony said.
_Catalpa bignonioides_ and especially _C. speciosa; _ celtis; cercis, both American and Japanese; flowering dogwood, profusely native; white ash; ginkgo; koelreuteria; sweet gum (liquidambar); American linden; tulip tree; magnolias much as for the North; China-berry (_Melia
Manual of Gardening (Second Edition)
There are more than 1,500 kinds of plants in these forests, including 19 kinds of rare plants such as the thorned cyathea spinulosa, the Chinese double-fan fern, the Chinese goose-palm catalpa and the yinque tree.
I know that catalpa worms are dynamite on cats so if this is actually catalpa ground into paste it may be good.
I just bought a tube of catalpa worm paste for catfish bait. Any know how it works?
I will bait with whole minnows, crawfish or catalpa worms ... oh ... those catalpa worms, um um um!
I know some of you have used trot lines. I want to know how you put on your bait.
This is the northern catalpa, a native to the central Mississippi River Valley but found in 17 states across the U.S. and in southern Canada.