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  1. a credit card that entitles the holder to receive cash

How To Use cashcard In A Sentence

  • Customers with the basic FlexAccount cashcard have their service supplied by Mastercard and so will not be charged at the moment, but Nationwide says it is looking to introduce charges for these cards too. This is Money | Home
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  • How soon before banks allow you to use it as your cashcard? …ID cards « Sven’s guide to…
  • Then, it either deducts the money from your cashcard (much like the current system), or it charges the amount to your credit card.
  • cashcard" includes ERP and misc parking. distribution is about 50 / 50 ... parking at my workplace is free. ur $900 is not impossible. just gotta put more downpayment or loan longer (not recommended).
  • Spammy hadn't been able to come up with anything that could circumvent that; if he had, he explained, no cashcard in the world would be secure. Boiling a Frog
  • Some of these companies will argue that these are fair rates, given that many of these accounts offer instant or unlimited access with passbooks or cashcards, but that's just pure hogwash!
  • We also had trouble finding an ATM that would accept our cashcard but once we had cash we headed up to the Fort. TravelStream? ? Recent Entries at
  • Rebus knew, too, that Damon had a current account at the local bank, complete with cashcard, and an interest-bearing account with a building society in Kirkcaldy. Death Is Not The End
  • Red reached for her cashcard, but then froze, because the junkie had put his gun against her head. Blonde, Black and Blood Red
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