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cash cow

  1. a project that generates a continuous flow of money

How To Use cash cow In A Sentence

  • A whole lot of channels sprang up during these years, keen to milk the cash cow that TV became.
  • It has been called inegalitarian, a cash cow, and ‘green wash.’
  • He offered to replace cash cowardly thugs stole from the 82-year-old. The Sun
  • In the 1930s, monster movies were the staples of Universal Pictures' line-up, a cash cow as the industry metamorphosed from silent films to talkies.
  • The $8 billion video rental industry is the biggest cash cow ever developed in entertainment.
  • But ABI Research expects mobile TV will be someday cash cow globally as well.
  • Sci-Fi was pretty big after the first Star Wars film ‘cause merchandising was proven to be a cash cow of unsuspected proportions.
  • But much of the Northern Virginia misery is the result of Virginia STATE government — power has been tightly concentrated in Richmond since at least the Byrd Machine and Richmond thinks Northern Virginia is a cash cow whose taxes should go to build roads elsewhere in the state. Matthew Yglesias » Taxes: Still the Best Bet
  • There is a thesis that runs through this that American history may have been dramatically different without John Brown, as the Kansas wars may have never happened without him and then it (Kansas) would have gone to the south as a slave state, and then the North would have ceded from the union, which the south would not have minded, as they were the cash cow of the US. Disclaimer
  • While both impoverished and wealthy school districts dine on the booster clubs' cash cow, a handful of local educators say it's time their teams went on a diet.
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