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Cascade Mountains

  1. a mountain range in the northwestern United States extending through Washington and Oregon and northern California; a part of the Coast Range

How To Use Cascade Mountains In A Sentence

  • This active disturbance regime has resulted in a larger proportion of younger seral stages than in areas west of the Cascade Mountains. Eastern Cascades forests
  • Lassen Peak, some wise men believe, is the last exhibit of activity in the dying volcanism of the Cascade Mountains. The Book of the National Parks
  • As you might imagine, the weather in the Cascade Mountains is often not favorable for railroading.
  • These Spring Chinook salmon are heading for the Wenatchee River and Icicle Creek, in the shadow of the majestic Cascade Mountains.
  • The seismographs recorded the waves from that earthquake and from magnitude 2.1 and 2.8 earthquakes beneath the Cascade Mountains, even though the shaking was too small to be felt by residents.
  • The greenway will link urban and rural lands along I - 90 from Seattle up and over the Cascade Mountains.
  • Instead of the gorgeous scenic vistas of the Cascade Mountains favored by many artists at the time, he painted scarred clear-cut areas, the loggers' aftermath.
  • In the northern Cascade Mountains the supposedly dormant volcano Mount Baker periodically oozes clouds of steam over its summit and stains its icy slopes with mudslides.
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