How To Use carpenter bee In A Sentence
- This insect is the maggot of the eggs laid by sawflies or carpenter bees in the freshly-cut cane of the rose after pruning.
- Solitary species such as cicada killers, carpenter bees, digger wasps and mud daubers use their stingers to subdue the insects and spiders upon which they prey.
- carpenter bees are boring holes into the wall
- The home should be inspected for all wood-destroying insects, including subterranean and dry wood termites, longhorned wood borers, metallic wood borers, powder post beetles, anobiid beetles, carpenter ants, velvety tree ants and carpenter bees. SFGate: Top News Stories
- Masonry or mortar bees are referred to as solitary bees, a class that also includes mining and carpenter bees.
- The bed was ablaze with the yellow flowers, and here, large humming squadrons of shiny black carpenter bees would thrum from pre-dawn onwards.
- This insect is the maggot of the eggs laid by sawflies or carpenter bees in the freshly-cut cane of the rose after pruning.
- Four tunnels off the lumen of the proventriculus of the carpenter bee, Xylocopa virginica virginica, have been discovered.