How To Use Card-playing In A Sentence
The nineteenth century was worse, if anything, than earlier periods, for it furthered what might be called the evangelistic slant toward novel-reading, the attitude that neatly classified this form of self-indulgence with dancing, card-playing, hard drinking, and loose living of every description.
Definitions: Essays in Contemporary Criticism
a card-playing son of a bitch
He looked around, at his sleeping, praying, card-playing colleagues, and he felt a desperate sense of weight across his shoulders.
I quite liked being a Bevan, am likely still to count myself a Bevan when it comes to the important things, like card-playing, BBQing (halloumi rather than hamburgers these days) and celebrating Christmas (this is a family where my 50-something parents still get stockings, a tradition the Buzasis will be adopting or I'm having my old name back permanently), but being a Buzasi has its benefits, too.
Carla Buzasi: A Woman's Right to Choose (Her Surname, at the Very Least)
He dropped out of university to embark on a card-playing and gambling career, quickly shone at it, and has been doing it ever since.

Kim (Kimy, my nickname for her) was my buddy, my crazy Korean card-playing babysitter. I spent most of my waking hours with Kimy.
Previously, Pokerstars refunded $80,000 (£52,000) to players who unwittingly went up against poker "bots" - automatic card-playing software programmes.
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