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How To Use Calcification In A Sentence

  • It just showed up in a mammogram as calcifications and turned out to be invasive ductal carcinoma, which is what Elizabeth had and also which is probably the most prevalent or the most common kind of breast cancer. CNN Transcript Mar 22, 2007
  • The tumor shows diffuse growth of plump fibroblasts in a cartilaginous stroma with calcification.
  • Three days after the last lithotripsy, the plain abdominal x ray showed no calcifications in the right upper abdomen.
  • A calcified central nidus, a laminated pattern, diffuse calcifications or a ‘popcorn’ pattern all suggest benignity.
  • Gibbs concluded that the different prevalences of pleural calcification in some mining areas might be related to a mineral closely associated with chrysotile, such as mica or talc.
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  • A 51-year-old woman underwent an excisional breast biopsy following detection of abnormal calcifications on a routine mammogram.
  • Indications for parathyroidectomy included renal osteodystrophy, pruritus, muscle weakness, bone fracture, and ectopic calcification.
  • The only difference in processing of the BM core and clot was decalcification of the trephine core biopsy.
  • The decalcification process did not affect the immunodetection with CD10 since positive reactivity was noted in decalcified bone marrow core biopsies.
  • The slender piece of shrapnel was being isolated and encapsulated by what appeared to be the same kind of calcification process that isolates TB bacilli in the lungs. The Eternal Mercenary
  • The mass had a pink, shiny, and slightly lobulated cut surface with focal, punctate, light yellow calcifications and irregular, white, fibrous streaks.
  • Three days after the last lithotripsy, the plain abdominal x ray showed no calcifications in the right upper abdomen.
  • Other infections healing with multiple residual calcifications include cryptococcosis, nocardiosis, actinomycosis, and coccidiodomycosis.
  • Arterial calcification most commonly involves the tunica media.
  • Objective:To compare the anti acid and decalcification effects of different fluoride products by using an artificial caries model.
  • An 11 gauge vacuum assisted biopsy device is now available which, because it provides more tissue, increases the diagnostic yield when biopsying microcalcification.
  • Little body fat, some calcification, advanced spondylitis of the fourth and fifth vertebrae. THE ENDLESS GAME
  • Larger, coarser areas of calcification may be caused by aging or by a benign condition such as fibroadenoma, a common noncancerous tumor of the breast.
  • Not all bryozoans are calcified; the degree of calcification and mineralogy also varies.
  • Little body fat, some calcification, advanced spondylitis of the fourth and fifth vertebrae. THE ENDLESS GAME
  • This was a necessary condition, as most vital functions must have been operative shortly after hatching, which may have coincided with the onset of calcification.
  • Objective To investigate the preventive effectiveness in reducing tooth decay and decalcification of different concentration of fluoride toothpaste for orthodontic patients.
  • In addition, pathologically the masses were composed of a mixture of degenerated ligament tissue, fibrocartilage, necrotic material, and fibrin, with calcification and vascular ingrowth.
  • Conclusion: Soft-tissue rim sign is a reliable and valuable CT sign in diagnosing ureteral calculus, and is helpful in differentiating with phlebolith and calcification due to other nature.
  • It appears that one extra hour of sleep per night can decrease the risk of coronary artery calcification, which is an early step down the path to cardiovascular disease, according to research by the University of Chicago Medical Center. All Categories Featured Content - Associated Content
  • The calcium-type phosphate binders, which bind dietary phosphate, increase the risk of metastatic calcification in many patients, particularly those taking vitamin D analogs and those with adynamic bone disease. The Biotech Model for Success: Is Keryx on Track? - Seeking Alpha
  • Architectural distortion, spiculation, and microcalcifications are rare (with the exception of ovarian carcinoma).
  • Indications for parathyroidectomy included renal osteodystrophy, pruritus, muscle weakness, bone fracture, and ectopic calcification.
  • Each of these patients had diseases known to predispose to heterotopic calcification including scleroderma, acromegaly, and diabetes mellitus.
  • Abnormal deposition of calcium in the body occurs in three places: the intima, the innermost layer or lining of the arteries that causes atherosclerotic plaque; the heart valves; and the medial calcification, which is the muscle layer of the arteries. Forever Young
  • Inflammation of the valves consists of oedema and mononuclear cell infiltration of the valvular tissue and the chordae tendineae in the acute phase; fibrosis and calcification occur with maintenance of the inflammatory process. 22 � Subcutaneous nodules Subcutaneous nodules are rarely seen and when present, they are usually associated with severe carditis. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • The so-called bone callosity due to an increased rate of calcification often follows this kind of abuse. Plastic Surgery May Turn Patient Into Disfigured Monster | Impact Lab
  • Presumably calcification continues as the soft tissues grow and begin to feed autotrophically (by photosynthesis) and heterotrophically (on plankton and bacteria), and the symbiotic algae start to accelerate the rates of calcification as they do in adult colonies. Biology of early life stage of tropical reef corals
  • This matrix becomes fibrillated, and in it islets of calcification make their appearance, and coalescing give rise to a continuous layer of calcified material which covers each cusp and constitutes the first layer of dentin. XI. Splanchnology. 2a. The Mouth
  • The posterior clinoids and the floor of the sella were eroded, and the suprasellar portion had a rim of calcification.
  • Several applications in medicine are then presented, including imaging calcific arteries, detecting microcalcifications in breast, and detecting tissue lesions caused by thermotherapy or HIFU therapy.
  • The radiograph finding of popcorn pattern of calcification occurs in fewer than 30 percent of patients.Sentencedict
  • However, while the calcification rate was affected uniformly across species 13-18% reduction, the magnitude of the microstructural response was highly species specific: crystallization was most markedly affected in A. verweyi and least in T. reniformis. HAnsen and Schmidt: Predicting the Past – Continued « Climate Audit
  • In addition, pathologically the masses were composed of a mixture of degenerated ligament tissue, fibrocartilage, necrotic material, and fibrin, with calcification and vascular ingrowth.
  • The spindle cell areas showed extensive sclerosis with ropy, thick, osteoid-like collagen and microcalcifications.
  • It is initially compared if fluticasone lotion is found in What Does Allegra Pill Look Like of pemphigoid jot calcification and phagocytized greenstone for the poverty of hyperkalemia. Wii-volution
  • Mitral valves with annular calcification are predisposed to developing both infective endocarditis and periannular abscesses.
  • In all of HC, there were certain degree of aortic valve on aortic root calcification.
  • The most frequent cause of broncholithiasis is calcification of lymph nodes secondary to tuberculosis or histoplasmosis.
  • Several applications in medicine are then presented, including imaging calcific arteries, detecting microcalcifications in breast, and detecting tissue lesions caused by thermotherapy or HIFU therapy.
  • Corals, which gain nutrients through a symbiotic process with algae, pull calcium from the ocean to create protective layers, a process known as "calcification. Ars Technica
  • It is initially compared if fluticasone lotion is found in What Does Allegra Pill Look Like of pemphigoid jot calcification and phagocytized greenstone for the poverty of hyperkalemia. Wii-volution
  • Experiments have shown that several species of coccolithophores have different light tolerances, in terms of the level at which photosynthesis, growth rate and calcification are saturated.
  • Calcareous nannoplankton, although stimulated toward diversification, was obviously less efficient in calcification.
  • These calcifications could also be seen in the joint capsules, in ligaments and tendons.
  • Calcifications, size, location, edges, and spiculations were documented for each nodule.
  • This leads to harmful effects for marine life that rely on calcification, such as crustacea and molluscs. British seas: More fish, cleaner and greater biodiversity, says Defra
  • On ultrasound, the diagnosis of cystic lymphangioma is suggested by the presence of a well-marginated, anechoic lesion, typically located at the suprarenal area, which can show shadows or echoes when calcifications are present.
  • Objective To investigate the relationship between basal ganglia calcification and acute hemiplegia syndrome ( AHS ) in infants.
  • They are calcifications, which are very common and are called scrotal pearls. A Baby at Last!
  • Fermentation of sugars by plaque bacteria causes caries by decalcification and proteolysis of enamel and dentine
  • Macroscopically, the largest mass in the lobectomy specimen was firm and white with cystic degeneration and stippling calcification.
  • We should do health insurance reform using the free market for a change instead of the failed liberal welfare state. ah, in case you haven’t had a total calcification, that is where we are now. Think Progress » Democrats Need To Pass A Comprehensive Health Care Bill
  • In the study addressed yesterday, Vytorin was tested against a placebo in patients with a condition known as aortic stenosis, a calcification of the heart valve that is increasingly common among elderly patients and leads to congestive heart failure and death. More Vytorin Bad News
  • CT showed that high-density tumor mass with punctate or plaque calcification.
  • This study demonstrates that the material with a low molecular weight of 158 is an active component in wasabi leafstalk which stimulates bone calcification.
  • They are made up predominantly of ectodermal components (hair, calcifications, sebaceous material) and have a large cystic component.
  • Both caseation and calcification are highly suggestive of a tubercular etiology, neither being common in malignancy related lymphadenopathy.
  • Usually they are painless and only cause lameness under certain conditions, as when they begin to develop themselves under the stimulus of inflammatory action, or when large enough to interfere with the functions of the tendons, or again when they have undergone certain pathological changes, such as calcification, which is among their tendencies. Special Report on Diseases of the Horse
  • The examining doctor spotted some cysts, or fluid-filled masses, in his prostate area, and also some calcification, signs of prostatitis that Dr. Drew was aware he had. The Doctor is In
  • He both convenes community and shatters its calcifications, creating the space for oracular truths to emerge while posing equally provocative dilemmas.
  • Large blisters, like these, are called bullae alkaptonuria, ochronosis X-ray lower lumbo-sacral spine and sacro-iliac joints showing normal sacro-iliac joints and calcification of intervertebral discs alkaptonuria, ochronosis grossly calcified intervertebal discs alkaptonuria, ochronosis early ankylosis of spine alkaptonuria, ochronosis bluish spots on his sclera alkaptonuria, ochronosis Bluish discoloration os ear cartillage hypertrophic osteoarthropathy Note diffuse periosteal new bone formation of the distal radius and ulna. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • The prostate calcification, stones, fibrosis are scar the prostate inflammation did, but some calcification patients don't have symptoms, even some urologist tell don't need treat calcification, it determinately is wrong, because calcification is premonitor of prostate stones, if don't treat it timely the calcification will become stones to bring more difficult to treatment. - Articles related to Detained Salvadoran wanted in Cuba: Chavez
  • the calcification of negotiations
  • Multifocal calcifications associated with tumor cell necrosis were also seen.
  • When talking about heart disease, you often hear the word calcification. You Staying Young
  • This anti-calcification technology was developed to help mitigate tissue heart valve leaflet calcification, which is one of the primary causes of tissue valve deterioration. Marketwire - Breaking News Releases
  • The calcification that occurs in arteriosclerosis is inhibited by antioxidants.
  • Additionally, for lesions without obvious calcifications or for those with indeterminate calcifications, a phantom study can be done.
  • A computed tomographic scan showed a heterogenous tumor with central hyperdensity and patchy calcification.
  • Calcification of a part of the brain known as the falx cerebri Nevoid Basal Cell Carcinoma Syndrome
  • Now many suspicious breast masses and calcifications can be biopsied with a needle.
  • But it will not show calcifications - ever, as far as i can tell - as being monomorphic vs pleomorphic vs vascular. What is the Role for Breast Sonogram?
  • The effect on skeletogenesis was investigated quantitatively (by calcification rate) and qualitatively (by microstructural appearance of growing crystalline fibres using scanning electron microscopy (SEM)). HAnsen and Schmidt: Predicting the Past – Continued « Climate Audit
  • VD deficiency reduction of intestinal absorption of calcium and phosphate Hypocalcemia Parathyroid hormone hyperfunction hypofunction Excretion of urinary P↑ decalcification of mobilization of bone old bone↑ Calcium into blood Serum p ↓ Ca normal or slightly↓ Ca X p↓ Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • Gibbs concluded that the different prevalences of pleural calcification in some mining areas might be related to a mineral closely associated with chrysotile, such as mica or talc.
  • the process of calcification begins later for boys than for girls
  • The calcification extended into the mitral annulus.
  • It differs from other acids in that the fluoride ion readily penetrates the skin and causes destruction of deep tissue layers, including bony decalcification .
  • Two dimensional echocardiography allows the assessment of valve structure and identifies thickening of cusps, leaflet prolapse, cusp fusion, and calcification.

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