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[ UK /kˌælsɪfɪkˈe‍ɪʃən/ ]
  1. tissue hardened by deposition of lime salts
  2. a process that impregnates something with calcium (or calcium salts)
  3. an inflexible and unchanging state
    the calcification of negotiations

How To Use calcification In A Sentence

  • It just showed up in a mammogram as calcifications and turned out to be invasive ductal carcinoma, which is what Elizabeth had and also which is probably the most prevalent or the most common kind of breast cancer. CNN Transcript Mar 22, 2007
  • The tumor shows diffuse growth of plump fibroblasts in a cartilaginous stroma with calcification.
  • Three days after the last lithotripsy, the plain abdominal x ray showed no calcifications in the right upper abdomen.
  • A calcified central nidus, a laminated pattern, diffuse calcifications or a ‘popcorn’ pattern all suggest benignity.
  • Gibbs concluded that the different prevalences of pleural calcification in some mining areas might be related to a mineral closely associated with chrysotile, such as mica or talc.
  • A 51-year-old woman underwent an excisional breast biopsy following detection of abnormal calcifications on a routine mammogram.
  • Indications for parathyroidectomy included renal osteodystrophy, pruritus, muscle weakness, bone fracture, and ectopic calcification.
  • The only difference in processing of the BM core and clot was decalcification of the trephine core biopsy.
  • The decalcification process did not affect the immunodetection with CD10 since positive reactivity was noted in decalcified bone marrow core biopsies.
  • The slender piece of shrapnel was being isolated and encapsulated by what appeared to be the same kind of calcification process that isolates TB bacilli in the lungs. The Eternal Mercenary
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