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  1. perennial aromatic herbs growing in hedgerows or scrub or open woodlands from western Europe to central Asia and in North America

How To Use calamint In A Sentence

  • The larvae feed on mints, including spearmint and Apple mint, marjoram, Meadow-clary, Lemon balm, catmint and calamints.
  • Sitting under a rose and clematis arbour in one area, you see through a lunette in a pyracantha hedge to a pond, encircled by lavender, heleniums, hemerocallis, gaillardias and calamintha.
  • Strongly scented plants like nepeta, calamintha and perovskia produce volatile oils that increase air density, reducing evaporation. Times, Sunday Times
  • Strongly scented plants like nepeta, calamintha and perovskia produce volatile oils that increase air density, reducing evaporation. Times, Sunday Times
  • Some plants I like in front of ornamental grasses are any daisy type flower [like purple coneflowers, black eyed Susans, coreopsis, asters], catmints and calamints, Russian sage, liatris, sedums, gaura, salvias and veronicas, daylilies and small spireas.
  • Lesser calamint was commonly used as a medicinal herb in medieval times, though is little used by modern herbalists.
  • The land here is of an excellent soil, and the climate is quite healthy; the soil being full of good herbs, as mints, calamint, plantain, ribwort, trefoil, scabious, and such like. A General History and Collection of Voyages and Travels — Volume 08
  • There are many species of calamint, many native to Europe and Asia.
  • Click here to go to the Catnips & calamints Description Page which includes horticultural information about each plant.
  • He rubbed a mixture of charcoal, calamint, water mint, and other dried herbs into his pelt to try to blot out the stench of the village, then toppled onto a pallet in one of the guest rooms to fall asleep within seconds.
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