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[ UK /kˈe‍ɪd‍ʒi/ ]
  1. showing self-interest and shrewdness in dealing with others
    too clever to be sound
    a cagey lawyer
  2. characterized by great caution and wariness
    a cagey avoidance of a definite answer
    chary of the risks involved
    a chary investor

How To Use cagy In A Sentence

  • Since we didn't know the sex, we were a bit cagy and said that we'd have to see.
  • My guess is that the DCCC discouraged her from making the kind of strong, straightforward case on the issues she would have been good at and conned or bullied her into running a cagy, deceptive campaign. Opinion Roundup: Who Gets Credit, Rahm Or Netroots?
  • Smallmouths are smart, cagy fish, most especially so on water that sees lots of fishing pressure. Sneaky Pete Power
  • (The ad stupidly accused the Republican Bachman of being soft on crime, and seems to be a version of the cagy but destructive and stupid "attack Republicans from the right" strategy). Opinion Roundup: Who Gets Credit, Rahm Or Netroots?
  • The staff was cagy, but confirmed my suspicion with slight, knowing expressions and small tight smiles of sympathy.
  • I guess there's your WoW reference, given at a later plot point being just slightly cagy, although there's few surprises in the plot he has to try for an epic flying mount. Nelfs on Pandora
  • Why should they support a party pushing for a bill that claims to provide benefits but is so awfully cagy about what those benefits are? Matthew Yglesias » Obama’s Secret Tax Cut
  • At lunchtime, he snuck off, being very cagy about where he was to have lunch.
  • Nichols said the Obama administration is not being "cagy" but "strategic" in refusing to be pinned down on an estimate. Undefined
  • The staff was cagy, but confirmed my suspicion with slight, knowing expressions and small tight smiles of sympathy.
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