How To Use Caesarian In A Sentence
- Obviously, if you have to deliver via Caesarian section it will take longer for you to get back on your bike.
- Tippy, his fantasy mistress from high school, had actually gotten married two or three times, he heard later, but in high school, the fantasy was first, that she might be big enough for him — a stroke of luck there — but also he imagined himself married to a little woman who received his seed by caesarian. Cheryl: Comp
- Our doctor has scheduled July 9th for Liz to have a caesarian section to deliver the twins. Film
- It's rather out of fashion now, but I believe that my late partner was administered some form of it when an emergency caesarian had to be performed without prior anaesthesia. Archive 2009-03-01
- When the doctor comes he tells him that there are two options: a forceps birth or Caesarian.
- Researchers believe the long wait may lead to an increased number of procedures such as Caesarians being carried out when they are not really needed.
- The reasons for these increased rates are often attributed to hospitals seeing caesarian births as a more controlled, efficient approach as well as having less insurance liability than a vaginal birth. Dana H. Glazer: My Experience With a Doula During Childbirth
- Adam was born on July 15, 2002, by Caesarian section at 39 weeks and underwent an ex utero intrapartum therapy (EXIT) procedure. CCAM — Jackson
- There seems to be a large percentage of inductions and Caesarian deliveries.
- Upper class or not, women must not assume that just because Caesarians have become the norm, it's normal.