How To Use brainworker In A Sentence
- The manual worker is no longer kept down by over-fatigue, and the brainworker is no longer cut off from the rest of the people. The New Society
- Now, that, "she added, holding out a blue envelop," is an advertisement for cold cream which no lady should be without; and that "– holding out a yellow envelop –" is an advertisement for beef extract which no brainworker should be without; and that "– holding out a white envelop –" is the worst of all, because it looks like a legitimate letter, and it 's nothing but a 'Dear When Patty Went to College
- Now, that, "she added, holding out a blue envelop," is an advertisement for cold cream which no lady should be without; and that "– holding out a yellow envelop –" is an advertisement for beef extract which no brainworker should be without; and that "– holding out a white envelop –" is the worst of all, because it looks like a legitimate letter, and it 's nothing but a 'Dear When Patty Went to College
- By the principle of Interchange of Labour it is required that every employee engaged in mechanical work can claim to do a portion of his day's work in intellectual employment; and that every brainworker shall be obliged to devote a portion of his day to physical labour. The New Society
- Every brainworker, he held, must in his spare time be able to detach his thoughts from his chief business, pin them to something of quite another kind, no matter how trivial: keep fowls or root round gardens, play the flute or go in for carpentry. Australia Felix