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brain death

  1. death when respiration and other reflexes are absent; consciousness is gone; organs can be removed for transplantation before the heartbeat stops

How To Use brain death In A Sentence

  • In 1979 he led invaluable work on the definition of brain death. Times, Sunday Times
  • Our voice remains the final bastion against incipient Islamic brain death, when Muslims will become spiritually decerebrate. Qanta Ahmed, MD: The Adventures of Itamar Marcus and the Hamas Bunny: Palestine at Play
  • The basic idea is summarized in the essay, Two Aspects of Brain Dead Being, and the background is presented in an essay on the brain death debate in Japanese bioethics, Reconsidering Brain Death. Readables
  • From the legislative level, the clinical brain death to allow patients to achieve during his lifetime a voluntary donation of organs for other seriously ill patients transplanted wishes to implement.
  • Drinking Even Small Amounts During Pregnancy Has Negative Outcomes For Women Carotid Artery Wall Thickness Inextricably Linked To Diabetes, BP Medindia spoke to Padmashri Dr. K.M. Cherian, MBBS, MS, FRACS, DSc (Hon), DSc (HC), who pioneered the Coronary Artery Bypass Graft (CABG) surgery, Infant Heart surgery, first Heart Transplant in Adult and Paediatric as well as Bilateral Lung Transplant and Heart & Lung Transplant in India after the Government's legislation of brain death. Medindia Health News
  • Based on the current achievements in philosophy of mind and neuroscience, the author explores the brain death problem by the conception of self-consciousness.
  • In brain death donations, the donor is kept on a ventilator to keep blood flowing to organs until they can be removed.
  • Cultural strain remains greatest in Japan, where concepts of brain death remain unacceptable to many people and traditional attitudes to death reverence the body and its transformation into a new ancestor.
  • To make a diagnosis of brain death, doctors conduct required medical tests.
  • Reye's syndrome can eventually lead to a coma and brain death.
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