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brain dead

  1. having irreversible loss of brain function as indicated by a persistent flat electroencephalogram
    was declared brain dead

How To Use brain dead In A Sentence

  • This adm is centrist or even a bit right of center and to say it's anything else just bolsters my belief that the brain dead will follow the RW pundits off a cliff. Obama touts financial reform, says GOP stance 'deceptive'
  • Would the knuckle dragging, brain dead, Neanderthal who removed the hanging basket from the exterior of Rock House please return it.
  • I assume you are an extremist and not a moderate thinker (if not you are brain dead according to D-calif Stark) I Like This Ad
  • Critical organs such as hearts, lung, kidneys and livers are only taken from donors who are brain dead and whose hearts are still beating.
  • Brain dead people will continue to styme this country with their tip toeing flag burning ways! Obama camp out with new gas tax ad, Clinton camp fires back
  • The Life of David Gale is a cut above the average brain dead thriller, but it's not a mind-bender on par with the likes of Memento.
  • Do NOT waste time and energy in mincing word armies with those who are sent to boggle our minds and torment our ‘spirit (s) †™ because as I said, there is absolutely NO chance of changing these folks minds, they are sad but true, brain dead. Think Progress » UPDATE: Fox Carolina Reporter Active On White Supremacist Website
  • Her condition had progressed too far for surgery to be successful and she was eventually diagnosed as being brain dead.
  • Today's (god, the word gags me) 'journalists' are either brain dead of simply evil if all they see in Clark's comments are insults to McCain's military service. McCain Campaign Accuses Obama Camp Of Coordinating With Webb To Attack McCain
  • CONCLUSION: Our study shows an impact for only a limited number of brain dead donor resuscitation parameters on DGF duration.
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