How To Use Braga In A Sentence
- In the middle age, the history of Braga during Visigoth and Arab times is very obscure and represent periods of decadence for the town.
- One of the most intriguing is the sci-fi drama Fast Forward from Dark Knight's David Goyer and 24's Brannon Braga, about a worldwide blackout that gives everyone a glimpse into the near-future. Where's the potential in fall TV?
- According to Ulrich von Hutten the elephant 'fuit mirabile animal, habens longum rostrum in magna quantitate; et quando vidit Papam tunc geniculavit ei et dixit cum terribili voce _bar, bar, bar_' (apud Theophilo Braga, _Gil Vicente e as Four Plays of Gil Vicente
- Cristina Braga, the first harpist of the Symphonic Orchestra of Rio's Municipal Theater, created the event nine years ago, and recruited the renowned classical guitarist Turíbio Santos to serve as its artistic director. Chris McGowan: Brazil's Coffee Valley Music Festival Draws Crowds to Historic Region
- Bragan's managerial ingenuity in confronting umpires was almost unlimited, both in the major leagues and the minors.
- In 1909 she met Prince Miguel de Braganza, whose father was referred to as the Pretender to the Portuguese throne, and three months later, they were engaged. The American Heiress | Edwardian Promenade
- The boy was called Joao, and as heir to the dukedom of Braganca, held the title Duke of Barcellos.
- These stratal patterns have recently been described in detail and their significance fully discussed by Braga et al…
- Duarte Ribeiro, Francisco Braga, and Teofilo Costa were cheerful companions and took him to the border and directly to the temporary camp of the Spanish guerrillero leader with a sureness that suggested a long familiarity with the rugged hills and the deep clefts of ravines that tended all to look alike to Captain Blake. Beyond the Sunrise
- Filmed in Japan, this tells the story of mad scientist Dr. Bragan who develops a giant carnivorous plant that walks like a man.