How To Use bowline In A Sentence
- Onyschuk had lashed the bowline to the tree and he untied it and we loaded our packs into the centre. FOOLS GOLD
- Bowlines are easier to tie when the loop is around something, finger, pole, tree limb or cleat How do you tie a bowline and hinch knot?
- When the bow is strung, this end was tied using a bowyers knot (now called a ‘bowline’ knot).
- 'Do you know whether Mr Oliver would know that a bowline was a safe knot to use?' The Lighthouse
- Participants must know the stunsail tack bend and bowline knots before coming to this lesson.
- Pete finally settled on an arrangement that he was happy with, consisting of a butterfly and a long loop leading to a bowline on the bight.
- ‘A hideous thing to watch, even as a quasi-curious foreigner,’ was Thompson's initial reaction, despite his assertion that he ‘can still tie a mean bowline knot on just about anything in less than ten seconds’.
- Out he sprang like a stag before the boat could be blown back into the sea and tied his vessel to the footbridge with a perfect bowline.
- All submitted answers are subject to the rules set forth in our Privacy Policy and Terms of Use. from kylepountney wrote 14 weeks 4 days ago bowline or a slipe knot What is the most imprtiant knot when it comes to survival?
- I learned to tie my knots, especially the difficult bowline.