- a leg bowed outward at the knee (or below the knee)
- have legs that curve outward at the knees
How To Use bowleg In A Sentence
- Although rarely serious, children also can be evaluated and followed for conditions such as bowlegs, knock-knees and pigeon toes. Our Services
- Pathology the abundant laying down of osteoid tissue epiphyseal cartilage cells grow very rapidly widening of the epiphysis line Long bone Rachitic rosary Bracelets of wrist and ankle flat bone Craniotabes Square head disorder of new bone formation the bones are soft Bowlegs and knock-knees Pigeon breast Mosby items and derived items © 2005, 2001 by Mosby, Inc. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
- Bowleggedness beyond the age of 2 or bowleggedness that only occurs in one leg but not the other can be the sign of a larger problem, such as rickets or Blount disease.
- Deez thrilling pc3200 400mhz memory coerebidae mongolic puffed alkanet for estrous bowleg. Rational Review
- Now I don’t get much of a chance. (the bowlegs are a possible rickets reference) Furies
- A bowlegged, wild-eyed madman with a gun kept pacing around them, threatening all kinds of unpleasantries, and when Blair raised his eyes, he spotted James Ellison lurking on the upper level of the loft.
- They had a big old English bulldog with them big wide shoulders in front, you know, and kind of bowlegged, and that big wide head with that mouth, little narrow hips on the back. Oral History Interview with Geddes Elam Dodson, May 26, 1980. Interview H-0240. Southern Oral History Program Collection (#4007)
- Bowleggedness (the medical name for this is genu varum), an exaggerated bending outward of the leg from the knee downward, can be inherited.
- I marketing manager jobs as distressfully god has obstructive my bowleg grievously to complemental my celesta to sussex i was too suppositional to see when i was at irrelevantly. Rational Review
- A man's backlit silhouette, slightly bowlegged, crossed the threshold. THE LAST PLACE