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  1. a man's tie that ties in a bow

How To Use bow-tie In A Sentence

  • With his bow-tied, moustachioed, immaculate turnout he seemed a figure from a bygone age.
  • Sitting in his sunny front room silhouetted in the bay window, white t-shirt, tartan shorts and sports socks, he is sartorially the polar opposite of the traditional bow-tie and tails combo.
  • The coiffured and bow-tied romantic Charles, with only a club foot to hinder his natural charm, was introduced to Margaret Macdonald while studying at the Glasgow School of Art.
  • This was a blast despite the hideous tuxedo-looking, long black skirt/cumberbund/bow-tie uniforms we had to wear. 2008 July « TalentedApps
  • With his bow-tied, moustachioed, immaculate turnout he seemed a figure from a bygone age.
  • Bow-tie pasta, also called farfalle, is my first choice but linguini is also good, especially when you serve this dish with the dressing still warm.
  • On stage, he is a 20-something man with a shaven head, a cardigan, a bow-tie, and a pipe, who pretends to manipulate a pair of decks whilst a tape plays in the background.
  • At least until recently, the penalty for any officer on the P&O line caught wearing a made-up bow-tie was to buy champagne for the entire wardroom.
  • The young man looked smart in his suit and bow-tie, the young lady stunning in her deb's dress, the picture of happiness and carefree youth.
  • A man was standing at the table, his bottle-green jacket and bow-tie identifying him as one of the barmen. THE GOSPEL MAKERS
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