How To Use Bottomed In A Sentence
Japanese green tea drinkers also consume less sodium than fat-bottomed American fizzy drink lovers.
It's not just the flummery - the full-bottomed wigs, men walking backwards and so on - but the way this exercise in constitutional theatre is playing to the wrong audience.
The 88-year-old coble, a flat-bottomed fishing boat, had survived a direct hit by a stick bomb in 1943, which went right through her hull.
In a wok or heavy-bottomed frying pan, heat the lard or bacon fat.
Times, Sunday Times
These were flat-bottomed craft with a shallow draft, and were lowered from the davits of larger troop-carrying merchantmen, like lifeboats.

viewing subaqueous fauna from a glass-bottomed boat
Heat the oil in a heavy-bottomed pan and add the beef.
Tribes of these red-bottomed monkeys regularly overrun government office compounds.
In a thick bottomed pan put in all ingredients except the first extract of coconut milk, tomatoes and salt.
This was a copper-bottomed New Labour promise, which is presumably why it has not happened.
The Model 76 flat-bottomed receiver with integral recoil lug is time consuming to machine while maintaining concentricity.
Wigs, initially full-bottomed but neater as the 18th century wore on, were worn by officers, and soldiers had their hair pomaded, powdered, and drawn together at the back in a ‘club’ or queue.
It was a flatbottomed outrigged deal boat, very long, and so narrow that to look over one's shoulder in it was a manoeuvre of extreme delicacy, especially where the rapids caused the water to be in wild commotion.
Two Summers in Guyenne
The coble, so called because it was clinker-built in the manner of a Scotch fishing dinghy, very flat-bottomed, glided across the reef without grazing itself and stroked the mere 150 yards across the lagoon to the straight beach, where some of the surviving members of the community stood waiting: six women, one—the oldest—big with child, and five men whose ages, if their faces reflected their years, varied between shaveling young and grizzled old.
Morgan’s Run
Anyone who thinks they can see anything from a glass-bottomed boat is living in airy-fairy land - the North Sea being notoriously bad for underwater visibility.
The vessels forming the flotilla consisted of praams, ship-rigged, and brigs carrying one or two eighteen or twenty-four pounders, and the largest a thirty-two pounder (with sixty or ninety men), all of them flat-bottomed.
A Sailor of King George
Have you ever noticed how, both in life and in corporations, one small piece of economy with the truth, often leads to full-blooded deceit, and then a copperbottomed southern-fried lie?
Lehman Brothers; The Bank with Integrity, and Shameless Fraud
A pair of deep, flat-bottomed holes have been chiseled out of the red clay of eastern Georgia in the U.S., like twin sports arenas from the pre-Columbian era.
Southern Co's Nuclear Gambit
That's a 100% copper-bottomed pure common sense policy, and Labour are boasting they're against it?
Heat 2 tablespoons oil and 1 tablespoon butter in a large heavy bottomed pot.
Heat a nonstick or well-seasoned flat-bottomed frying pan over a medium-low flame.
Times, Sunday Times
Melt the remaining butter in a wide-bottomed pan, add the bamboo shoots, mangetout and seasoning.
The ferryboat is a round-bottomed, wobbly sampan, with a tiny cabin in the stern.
The Great White Tribe in Filipinia
On the far side of the dinghy was a flat-bottomed marsh punt, an outboard motor at its stern.
There are signs that the recession has bottomed out.
It was the Glister, a smart little brig, almost a toy brig in fact, copper-bottomed, lines like a dolphin, a sea-cutter and a wind-eater.
She ends it in hiking boots and a pair of bell-bottomed slacks emblazoned with the American flag.
Something Happening Here
One must see people undressed to judge truly of their shape; when they are dressed to go abroad, their clothes are contrived to conceal, or at least palliate the defects of it: as full-bottomed wigs were contrived for the Duke of Burgundy, to conceal his hump back.
Letters to his son on The Art of Becoming a Man of the World and a Gentleman
The ore was usually found in water less than twelve feet deep and was raised by men in large, flat-bottomed boats wielding drags, rakes, or heavy, powerful tongs similar to oystering tongs.
At the end of the seventeenth century, King's Counsel began to wear richly laced cravats, which together with their silk gown and full-bottomed wig, remain their full dress to the present day.
To get a more detailed sense of how that one "bottomed," click through to the last slide, which overlays our current bear market on top of the three nastiest ones in the last century.
Henry Blodget: How Bear Markets End
From our seats we view huge bulls bellowing like gladiators and bowlegged, skinny-bottomed cowboys in chaps nonchalantly smoking rollups.
In the past, pearl fishing was often carried out by travelling people who used a glass-bottomed bucket to locate them.
Next day I join a flat-bottomed boat that cruises the Yellow Waters wetlands.
I'm merely questioning what your outfit says about you when the only things covering your bottom half are full-bottomed underwear and thigh-high boots.
Alexandra Sinderbrand: Caution: An Exposed Hoo-Ha May Be Harmful to Your Self-Esteem
Eh? Mind you, it would be great to see in him his robes, tights, and full-bottomed wig down there at the jazz club, along with the guys in black polo necks and indoor sunglasses, the wings of his wig flopping in time to the off-beat.
David Cameron – Listen with mother
Pilot a flat-bottomed boat down the Fall River, famous for its 18-inch rainbows.
Yes," said he, "when I was a young man I used to go to Battersea on holidays, I and some others, and nothing would suit us but outrigged gigs, randans, and such like; but now I'm growing old, and a flat-bottomed tub suits us better, my missus and me.
Littlebourne Lock
Their copper-bottomed scheme went badly wrong.
These last few have been days to hold on to: bright sunshine through fat-bottomed clouds; ringlet butterflies flickering over flowering grasses; yellow-and-black-banded cinnabar moth caterpillars twitching as they spun threads to tie themselves to ragwort; bright pink lip-gloss heads of pyramidal orchids – these things once observed becoming dearly held.
Country diary: Wenlock Edge
Another hotspot is a shallow, mud-bottomed bay, especially one on a lake's northern shore.
25 Killer Spring Tips for Bass, Trout, Crappie, Walleys, and Pike
The special envoys of the King of the Belgians, invited to a lunch at the Foreign Office, were carried there in a large, flat-bottomed boat poled by a couple of watermen.
The Paris Flood of 1910 | Edwardian Promenade
The wine comes in deep-bottomed 46 cl flasks.
Musicology is, approximately, Prince's twenty-third album and a copper-bottomed, no-caveats return to form.
We're not talking sea-going yacht or racing catamaran here, just a simple flat-bottomed boat to get a closer look at the reef and marine life.
Wearing felt-bottomed Orvis Henry's Fork wading shoes, I felt just a bit more stable, but balancing over these oversize ball-bearings was pretty athletic stuff.
A judge's daily wig costs some 800 and the full-bottomed wig 2,000.
Times, Sunday Times
The swim coach carried one of those ubiquitous blue-bottomed first-aid kits.
Horatio Nelson was a flawed, fallible man; he was also a copper-bottomed, full-rigged, 104-gun hero.
We had here to exchange our bongo for a flat-bottomed boat called a champan, with which alone the upper part of the river can, from its numerous shallows, be navigated.
The Young Llanero A Story of War and Wild Life in Venezuela
There are an unending parade of zaftig, high-chested, round-bottomed babes and bimbos parading in short-shorts and tight tee-shirts all around the track and pit areas.
He misses a copper-bottomed chance.
Clearly, she says, ‘the friend must be one whose discretion is copper-bottomed and one who preferably knows and is fond of your husband too.’
It is a quirky, not exactly copper-bottomed investment case—if recycling major telecommunication networks became fashionable, it would after all push down the copper price.
Overheard: BT a Copper Miner?
By nine o'clock we were floating on the river in a small, flat-bottomed boat with a small motor.
These vessels called Nassades, are very long builded, broade made, and close aboue, flatte bottomed, and draw not aboue foure foote water; and will came two hundred tunnes: they haue none iron appertaining to them but all of timber, and when the winde serueth, they are made to sayle.
The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
Near the headwaters, there's a necklace of four soft-bottomed ponds where egrets stand watch on the shore and owls roost beneath bridges.
Some of the chairs were described as leather-bottomed, indicating seats upholstered in leather.
These were flat-bottomed craft with a shallow draft, and were lowered from the davits of larger troop-carrying merchantmen, like lifeboats.
Philopator was properly built, with a kelson, and bilges, and a flat-bottomed hull.
Antony and Cleopatra
Bell-bottomed pants are out of fashion now.
The river is about 30 m wide here, alternating between pools and rocky-bottomed shallow rills.
He was formally attired in a silk jacket of dark purple damask, black velvet breeches, and an old-fashioned full-bottomed wig.
The Thief Taker
Today, I see no evidence that crude oil has bottomed in what I regard as a lengthy medium-term correction, meaning a minimum of several months and up to two or possibly even three years. … we could easily see a retest of $100 this year, with an outside chance of a temporary overshoot, taking us close to $80.
US Market Commentary from Seeking Alpha
A resemblance can be seen between heavily trimmed upholstered furniture and the coat and full-bottomed wigs of the period.
The oil market "has been in a fuzzball of congestion since it bottomed out in mid-August, waiting for the stock market to break up or break down.
Oil Prices Top $75 a Barrel
90 start bell-bottomed trousers' type also becomes colorful.
The River Safari's steel-bottomed boats make a great afternoon's adventure.
There are dozens of subindices out there that bottom after the market as a whole has bottomed, but only one index has been coincident with or has led the market bottom in every case: the BKX, the Bank Index.
Jim Cramer's Real Money
Various paddle-powered rigs with exceptional mobility include small flat-bottomed aluminum boats, canoes and kayaks.
bell-bottomed trousers
In a large, heavy-bottomed saucepan, combine water, salt, butter, and bay leaf.
Credit rating agency Standard and Poors has scotched claims that the economy has bottomed out and recovery is imminent.
The real, gold-plated, copper-bottomed Brian Charles Lara was there to entertain us once more.
His little riverboat, the flat-bottomed, open-sided Water Rat, is nestled in the reeds alongside Toolunka Island on the Murray River, while a campfire is blazing brightly and the billy is boiling.
One sign that the big banks would like us to believe housing has bottomed is the sudden jog up in mortgage rates.
"The mother of all head fakes" (Jack Bog's Blog)
Cue a bronze-medal display and a copper-bottomed tearjerker.
Times, Sunday Times
In a large, heavy-bottomed saucepan, combine water, salt, butter, and bay leaf.
Heat the butter on high in a wide heavy-bottomed pan with a tight-fitting lid.
Times, Sunday Times
We view huge bulls bellowing like gladiators and bow-legged, skinny-bottomed cowboys in chaps, nonchalantly smoking roll-ups.
Theodore Blanchard strode in, followed by another man—an elderly gentleman, tall and well built, in an old-fashioned, full-bottomed wig and a dark brown coat.
The Thief Taker
One casualty of the changes will be the full-bottomed wig, worn on ceremonial occasions.
Times, Sunday Times
Wigs, initially full-bottomed but neater as the 18th century wore on, were worn by officers, and soldiers had their hair pomaded, powdered, and drawn together at the back in a ‘club’ or queue.
As things turn out, we never do get a copper-bottomed answer to this mystery.
The women that Isis had a glimpse of wore either bell-bottomed trousers, denim pants, or blue jeans.
In the afternoon, the tide bottomed out which pushed the bowl out of reach of any paddle surfer.
So, you want to see consumer goods recovery one month later or two months later is of course not enough, "she said, adding," But if you see a sustained recovery in consumer goods, both durables and non-durables, that is usually a sign that the economy has bottomed out.
Moneycontrol Top Headlines
On what linguistic structure is this coinage bottomed?
No Uncertain Terms
In a heavy Bottomed saucepan, melt butter over medium high heat.
We were at the peak of our high-tech era, and it just bottomed.
The crew's morale bottomed out when the Wave Warrior hit the Doldrums, an area near the equator that is notorious for its calms and its light, shifting winds.
Line a false bottomed tart pan 9-10 round or square with the pie dough, fill with beans or pieweights and prebake on a cookie sheet for 10-15 minutes.
Meanwhile, steer clear of tapered leg openings or a wide bell-bottomed look.
‘When I say that markets have bottomed out, I'm not implying that a rally is likely to follow in the months ahead,’ he said.
He negotiates her copper-bottomed contracts that prevent papers altering her copy beyond a sub-editor's ‘lift and dust’.
The document will be absolutely waterproof, copper-bottomed and A1 at Lloyds.
THE MONITOR is a long, wide, and flat-bottomed vessel, with vertical sides and pointed ends, requiring but a very shallow depth of water to float in, though heavily loaded with impregnable armour on her sides and a bombproof deck, on which is placed a shotproof revolving turret, which contains two very heavy guns.
The American Iron-Clad Vessels
In their six grooves, Colerain barrels feature round bottom rifling that holds less fowling; square bottomed grooves reportedly retain more fowling.
The tarpon fishing was carried out in flat-bottomed punts called jon boats.
a copper-bottomed ship
Who can respect a simpering ninny, grinning in a Roman dress and a full-bottomed wig, who is made to pass off for a hero? or a fat woman in a hoop, and of a most doubtful virtue, who leers at you as
Notes of a Journey From Cornhill to Grand Cairo
Playing-cards, snuffboxes, and fringed gloves elbowed a shelf of books, and a full-bottomed wig ogled a lady's headdress of ribbon and malines.
Prices bottomed out and started to rise again after a while
They seemed to really enjoy it - Mum managed to throw up on a glass bottomed boat and Dad got bitten by a quokka so they'll have plenty of stories to tell people now they're back home.
The ridges of Ecoregion 70f are forested while its floodplains and broad, clay-filled, flat-bottomed, preglacial valleys are used for general farms.
Ecoregions of Indiana and Ohio (EPA)
This was insufficient to stand up in court, as fingerprint experts need to find 16 such matches for it to be deemed copper-bottomed evidence.
He was a stout man of some fifty years, who adhered to a full-bottomed wig in despite of fashion, and who pursed his lips on hearing of Lady Mary's determination to throw off the protection of Lord Shurland.
Their last service to these titles would be to ensure that the next owners are locked into a copper-bottomed commitment to maintain editorial independence.
The rowing contingent went first, led by four venerable Banks dories, the traditional high-ended, flat-bottomed boats emblematic of Yankee seafaring.
That's as may be; but you could also argue that it is our tendency to mix ingredients that is the copper-bottomed sign of conscious intelligence.
The Flavour Thesaurus: Pairings, Recipes and Ideas for the Creative Cook by Niki Segnit
No fusileer, with a fixed bayonet and piece loaded with ball, now dictates to the auditors of the pit that such a seat must hold so many persons, though several among them might, probably, be as broad-bottomed as Dutchmen.
Paris as It Was and as It Is
Mr Darling said, "by doing this we can ensure that the Government's finances are returned to sufficient levels to ensure that our own copper-bottomed, gold-plated and mink-lined pension pots remain full".
Archive 2009-03-01
Choose a heavy bottomed casserole dish and heat 2tbsp of oil.
Times, Sunday Times
a flat-bottomed boat
About three feet long, blade broad on top and not tapering much to a bluntish point, it had a short, straight iron guard and a wide, flat-bottomed pommel rounded like a scoop of ice cream.
Operation Luna
After more than a decade firmly ensconced among golf's elite, the seven-time European No.1 bottomed out at No.83 in the world.
Men's hair was cropped very close, and in private the heavy full-bottomed wig was frequently discarded, an embroidered cap being worn in its place.
He judged his moment and, as they bottomed out in the next trough, he threw the big handle anticlockwise on its centre pivot.
the car bottomed out where the driveway meets the road
In a medium, heavy-bottomed saucepan over low heat, bring the grits, milk, and chicken stock to a boil.
He fuelled concern by stating that he could not offer copper-bottomed guarantees that there would not be further losses.
The distinctive flat-bottomed boats once used to transport the wine are still moored in the river, though today, more prosaically, the wine is brought down by road in stainless - steel tankers.
Little wonder then that despite the price war, S&P continues to award copper-bottomed ratings to the nation's retail champions.
The coble, so called because it was clinker-built in the manner of a Scotch fishing dinghy, very flat-bottomed, glided across the reef without grazing itself and stroked the mere 150 yards across the lagoon to the straight beach, where some of the surviving members of the community stood waiting: six women, one—the oldest—big with child, and five men whose ages, if their faces reflected their years, varied between shaveling young and grizzled old.
Morgan’s Run
Markets got the jitters on Monday after Standard & Poor's said, for the first time in 70 years of US bond watching, that it could soon cease to regard the sovereign IOUs of the world's sole superpower as copper-bottomed guarantees.
US fiscal policy: In place of prudence | Editorial
A sunny room with western exposure, kalsomined in pale warm gray, the floor covered with cream - colored matting, windows fitted with white Holland shades -- a combination restful to the eye -- and furnished with hard-wood framed, cane-bottomed chairs.
How to Prepare and Serve a Meal; and Interior Decoration
In a heavy-bottomed saucepan over moderate heat, melt sugar and cook until it begins to brown lightly.
From Hampi, round, flat-bottomed boats called coracles ferry people across the river to a rocky jetty, but that is only the beginning of the trip to the Anjanadri temple.
Anyone carrying a cricket coffin - and a lot who don't - will need to make sure all the documentation is copper-bottomed and provide written proof that they have a proper job away from the cricket club.
These anaglyphs of Nirgal Valles and Maja Valles make it perfectly clear we're seeing deep flat-bottomed canyons with dune systems of some sort.
Simmer all ingredients, except parsley, with thyme and wakame in a heavy-bottomed pan for 30 min.
Times, Sunday Times
Well, anyway, it ain't so many years ago that I came ambling in there on a rusty, foul-bottomed, tramp collier from Australia, forty-three days from land to land.
Develop/wash in a flat-bottomed tray containing water with a dash of washing-up liquid added.
The half-hour sail to the cape at Formentor is well worth the voyage, and you can also go by glass - bottomed boat for junior's benefit.
Over on the river, flat-bottomed barges being loaded with cargo and refugees headed off down the river.
The price of oil finally bottomed out and began to rise again.
Mr Brown failed to give a copper-bottomed assurance that Tony Blair would lead the party into the next election, saying only that it was ‘a matter for him’.
Heading sternwards on the starboard side of the wreck, the first few metres are just the flat base of the double-bottomed hull.
But there is at least hope that the slump in car sales may just have bottomed out.
The Sun
Should global growth stall, Antofagasta's lack of diversity leaves the stock anything but copper-bottomed.
Antofagasta's Lack of Diversity
These were flat-bottomed craft with a shallow draft, and were lowered from the davits of larger troop-carrying merchantmen, like lifeboats.
The sky to-day is windrowed with flat-bottomed cumulus-clouds, tier beyond tier above a level plane of light, marking off the infinite distance like receding mile-stones on
The Prairie Child
The document will be absolutely waterproof, copper-bottomed and A1 at Lloyds.
For stir-frying, a thin bottomed skillet – she mentions nothing about cast iron, but that is what I would use, and she gives very complete directions on how to improvise a servicable steamer.
Tigers & Strawberries » The Chinese Cookbook Project III: With an Open Mind and an Open Mouth
Barely three centuries after the full-bottomed wig went out of fashion, and hardly two centuries after the sartorial demise of the short wig, Her Majesty's judges are going to sit with bare heads.
It consisted of stretching a cable across the obstacle and attaching flat bottomed boat-like pontoons to it one after another and poling them across, then laying a roadway across them with timber beams.
He vindicated the honour of Warbeach by drinking a match against a Yorkshire skipper till four o'clock in the morning, when it was a gallant sight, my boys, to see Hampshire steadying the defeated North-countryman on his astonished zigzag to his flattish-bottomed billyboy, all in the cheery sunrise on the river -- yo-ho! ahoy!
Rhoda Fleming — Complete
Basically, any thick-bottomed, enamelled, cast-iron pan (eg Le Creuset) will do the trick, or a thick-bottomed stainless steel one (be that a £45 John Lewis pan or a £120 All-Clad pan).
Food for Fort: Cooking with herbs, tough asparagus and a pan for porridge
The coble, so called because it was clinker-built in the manner of a Scotch fishing dinghy, very flat-bottomed, glided across the reef without grazing itself and stroked the mere 150 yards across the lagoon to the straight beach, where some of the surviving members of the community stood waiting: six women, one—the oldest—big with child, and five men whose ages, if their faces reflected their years, varied between shaveling young and grizzled old.
Morgan’s Run
In a large, heavy-bottomed saucepan, combine water, salt, butter, and bay leaf.
It shows the subject in a full-bottomed curled wig, of the Restoration, wearing a handsome cape and around his shoulders the collar and star of the Order of the Garter.
They were constructed with sloping sides, flat bottomed and lined with puddled clay.
A procession of judges left the Royal Courts of Justice in The Strand by car, wearing formal finery of full-bottomed wigs and robes with purple or red trimming.
Thirty yards or so, just before the creek entered the tarn, a flat-bottomed boat was moored.
A light hurricane deck was above all, on which the passengers could promenade up and down to their hearts 'content, having comfortable cane-bottomed seats along the sides to sit down upon when tired and no gear, or rope coils, or other nautical "dunnage," to interrupt their free locomotion on this king of quarter-decks, which had, besides, an awning on top to tone down the potency of the western sun.
Fritz and Eric The Brother Crusoes
We use the flat-bottomed airboat to get across the boom and close to the oiled marshes.
Times, Sunday Times
These were flat-bottomed craft with a shallow draft, and were lowered from the davits of larger troop-carrying merchantmen, like lifeboats.
Cue a bronze-medal display and a copper-bottomed tearjerker.
Times, Sunday Times
There is a channel from east to west, which was built by the Vikings so that they could drag their flat-bottomed boats over the island instead of sailing around.
In a large, heavy-bottomed pot, heat oil and saute carcasses until browned.
But if you see a sustained recovery in consumer goods, both durables and non-durables, that is usually a sign that the economy has bottomed out.
Moneycontrol Top Headlines
We're not talking sea-going yacht or racing catamaran here, just a simple flat-bottomed boat to get a closer look at the reef and marine life.
A bit thicker than the advertised cracker-thin, the crust is toasty bottomed and only lightly cornmealy, and there's nary a hint of glueyness topside-the perfect canvas for the ballsy sauce and bubbling cheese, baked to the very brink of browning.
Chicago Reader
The wearing of full-bottomed wigs by silks is generally reserved for ceremonial sittings.
Insert gel-filled insoles or soft cushions (available in drugstores) into thin- or hard-bottomed shoes.
I'm genuinely interested in finding properly-detailed copper-bottomed examples of this stuff working unequivocally.
Flat-bottomed crossings are often installed to ensure that factors like the natural stream gradient and bed roughness allow fish passage.
These last few have been days to hold on to: bright sunshine through fat-bottomed clouds; ringlet butterflies flickering over flowering grasses; yellow-and-black-banded cinnabar moth caterpillars twitching as they spun threads to tie themselves to ragwort; bright pink lip-gloss heads of pyramidal orchids – these things once observed becoming dearly held.
Country diary: Wenlock Edge
I must own myself astonished to see that well-dressed young fellow in a full-bottomed wig, appearing in the middle of the sea, and without any visible concern taking snuff.
The Scandal of the Season
In a large, heavy bottomed pot, saute duck in remaining 2 tablespoons oil until golden brown.
A glass bottomed runnel, which collects water during the short and torrential rains, doubles as a skylight over a glass shower and over the guest room below.
She set out from Manila in a small casco, or flat-bottomed native boat, heavily laden with fresh fish, pine-apples, mangoes, bananas, tobacco and cigarettes -- all intended for the Spanish garrison on Corregidor
The Woman with a Stone Heart A Romance of the Philippine War
The subject was a cheeky-faced, chubby-bottomed urchin of about twelve.
Another reported UFO was a hovering red-bottomed spaceship that suddenly disappears.
But when the sports teams fled and the hi-tech craze bottomed out taking so many lives with it, what was left was the shell of former economic glory.
Take half the sugar, half the cream and half the butter and combine with the dark chocolate in a good, thick-bottomed pan.
The Chinese had a boat called a junk which was flat bottomed and had square bow and stern.
Such lighters, usually flat-bottomed barges, were used in lightening or loading and unloading vessels that could not be wharfed, or where harbour facilities were underdeveloped or too small.
In a heavy Bottomed saucepan, melt butter over medium high heat.
I felt detached, noticing details of my surroundings with a peculiar intensity: the small stained-glass inset over the bar, casting colored shadows over the ruffianly proprietor and his wares, the curve of the handle on a copper-bottomed dipper that hung on the wall next to me, a green-bellied fly struggling on the edges of a sticky puddle on the table.
Sick Cycle Carousel
The copper-bottomed stainless steel pans I used for 30 years had to be replaced a year ago.
Food for Fort: Black pudding, misshapen loaves, heavy pans and ricotta substitutes
To cook quail, pour oil to a depth of at least 1 inch into a heavy-bottomed frying pan or wok.
We sent up our luggage and servants by a caique, a long, narrow, flat-bottomed boat, rowed by sculls.
Sideburned men in bell-bottomed jeans dashed from building to building, cradling Kalashnikovs, in a life-or-death game of hide-and-go-seek.
Day of Honey
My clubhead has bottomed out well before it has reached the tee and will be on the way back up by the time it strikes the ball.
AA would say: They haven't "bottomed," won't recover from their disease till a disaster hits, with another market meltdown and the "Great Depression 2.
Danny Schechter: Will Christmas Shopping Save US? Don't Bet On It
Melt the butter in a thick-bottomed pan, add the leeks, garlic and onion.
I think the practical miner, who had been hard at work night and day, for the last four or six months, and, after all, had just bottomed a shicer, objected to the tax itself, because he could not possibly afford to pay it.
The traditional full-bottomed wig is reserved for special occasions, such as the opening of the legal year.
A kind of slipway is improvised in a moment by laying flat wooden frames on the slope in a line; and over these frames the flat - bottomed vessels are hauled up or down by means of long ropes.
In Ghostly Japan
He can keep quiet and hope Tony will repay loyalty on this occasion - but that has not proved a copper-bottomed guarantee on any issue in the past.
Heat a tablespoon of the butter in a large, heavy-bottomed frying pan and when it is sizzling add a third of the slices.
Times, Sunday Times
A third was all tori and looked as if it would spin for gravity, but was attached to a round-bottomed cone... a lander?
It's all very splendid and traditional - judges in red robes, full-bottomed wigs etc - and the Cardinal preached very well, about St Thomas More, citing him as an inspiration for lawyers today faced with laws that do not dovetail with the ethical principles of the Gospels, and urging that his courage and prudence were good examples to follow.
The Red Mass...
A flat-bottomed vessel developed during World War II to land troops and cargo on open beaches and sometimes used as a weapons platform and hospital ship.
They have bottomed out and things will not deteriorate further from hereon, that is fine.
Moneycontrol Top Headlines
Gain in size and artificiality meant that the heavy full-bottomed wig could only be worn on formal or special occasions, or by gentlemen of leisure.
In the past, pearl fishing was often carried out by travelling people who used a glass-bottomed bucket to locate them.
North-countryman on his astonished zigzag to his flattish-bottomed billyboy, all in the cheery sunrise on the river -- yo-ho! ahoy!
Rhoda Fleming — Volume 2
Still in service today, this ‘bar wig’ is worn by barristers or advocates and is distinct from the plain ‘tye’ or ‘bench wig’ with no curls, worn by judges in court, and the full-bottomed peruke, which is reserved for ceremonial occasions.