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  1. resembling a cluster of grapes in form

How To Use botryoid In A Sentence

  • Fibrous, botryoidal, stalactitic, granular, and massive varieties are common.
  • The sixth is the "hyalite," which has but a glassy or vitreous lustre, and is found almost exclusively in the form of globules, or clusters of globules, somewhat after the form and size of bunches of grapes; hence the name "botryoidal" is often applied to this variety. The Chemistry, Properties and Tests of Precious Stones
  • He has a face of that rubicund, knobby type I have heard an indignant mineralogist speak of as botryoidal, and about it waves a quantity of disorderly blond hair. A Modern Utopia
  • Pale blue botryoidal masses and small rhombohedra somewhat similar to material from the Kelly mine, New Mexico, occurred in the Silver Hill mine, Waterman district, Pima County.
  • Recently, attractive though slightly damaged masses of botryoidal azurite and associated minor malachite have reached the collector market from a locality given as Seabra, Bahia, Brazil.
  • Another type of sphalerite is the botryoidal variety schalenblende, which occurs sparingly in one zone of the Sawatch Quartzite.
  • Labradorite, Charoite, botryoidal chalcedony, and rocs, adn rocs, adn uh, smammie, uze gittin BORIN agin… sari….. and dey maeks handii howz-wholed wepenz.. sew dere, thwak. Ur daiz…dey is numbrd - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
  • Dark blue stubby pyramidal azurite crystals and green botryoidal-shaped radial aggregates of malachite.
  • Masses of pale green botryoidal smithsonite in cavities to 5 cm have been found in ore stockpiled on the dump immediately east of the decline portal.
  • Typically, crystals were not well-shaped but occurred as botryoidal crusts.
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